GCSE Foundation Maths Revision


maths mind map revision, year 11, foundation, GCSE --- Hope this is helpful.
Monica Velli
Mind Map by Monica Velli, updated 10 months ago More Less
Mia Jones
Created by Mia Jones about 10 years ago
Monica Velli
Copied by Monica Velli 10 months ago

Resource summary

GCSE Foundation Maths Revision


  1. Algebra
    1. Simplifying
      1. EXAMPLES
        1. t² x t³ = t⁵
          1. y⁸ x y³ = y¹¹
            1. p⁷÷ p⁵ = p²
              1. m¹⁰÷m² = m⁸
            2. Expand
              1. Factorise
                1. EXAMPLES
                  1. 8m²-12m = 4m(2m-3)
                    1. 12p²-8p = 4p(3p-2)
                      1. 6q²-9q = 3q(2q-3)
                        1. 16m²-12m = 4m(4m-3)
                        2. How Do You Factorise?
                          1. Step 1) You have to find the largest number that fits into the sequence or the most common letter.
                            1. e.g 12x-3a .The largest number that goes into both would be 3
                              1. e.g 12x²-3x . The most common letter would be x
                              2. Step 2) You then see how many time that letter or number can go into each side.
                                1. e.g 12x-3a. This would then be 3(4x-a)
                                  1. e.g 12x²-3x . This would be x(12x-3)
                              3. Solve
                                1. nth Term
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