
furtue 2035
Jhonathan AGuirr
Mind Map by Jhonathan AGuirr, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhonathan AGuirr
Created by Jhonathan AGuirr almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It is that in the future everyone will use a global currency
    1. That there will be space elevators that lead capsules into space
      1. It will in the future be accepted in full to the L.G.B.T
        1. Will that in the future people can increase their life
          1. It will be that future cars will have a driving automatically
            1. Will that in the future nations joined to from one country
              1. Will in the future be spoken lenguage ?
                1. It will be in the future a cure for cancer is found
                  1. It will be in the future some test stands to be parents
                    1. It will be that in the future there will be wafer on the planet
                      1. Will that in the future robots will be in all the land
                        1. Will that in the future the sun will be a major source of energy
                          1. Will be that in the future people will live with small portions
                            1. will be that in the future robots will have more intelligence than man himself
                              1. Will be in the future facebook know the information of each person
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