R.S Islam Good and Evil


A mind map of good and evil for GCSE Religious studies for Islam.
Evie Graham
Mind Map by Evie Graham, updated more than 1 year ago
Evie Graham
Created by Evie Graham about 9 years ago

Resource summary

R.S Islam Good and Evil
  1. Muslim Teaching
    1. Everyone is born with a natural instinct to understand the difference between right and wrong (fitrah)
      1. We have free will, and must choose between right (the guidance of Allah) and wrong (following the temptations of Shaytan, the devil).
      2. Angles and Jinn
        1. Allah created angels (mala’ikah) from divine light (nur).
          1. Jinn are made from fire
            1. Allah made the first human, Adam, from clay. Allah ordered all the angels and Jinn to bow down to Adam. Iblis, one of the Jinn, refused.
              1. Iblis (Shaytan), said that he would try to tempt humans to sin.
                1. Although Iblis is allowed to test a Muslim’s faith he is not equal to Allah and cannot hurt people unless Allah allows him to:
                  1. "Shaytan cannot harm them in the least, except as Allah permits"
              2. Life is a test
                1. Allah will forgive anyone who repents,
                  1. forgave Adam and Hawwa when they were tempted by Shaytan and ate the forbidden fruit
                    1. fitr
                  2. turn away from the ignorant. Surah 7:199
                    1. whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Surah 2:38
                    2. Suffering and evil
                      1. natural evil - suffering caused by events that have nothing to do with humans, eg, natural disasters
                        1. moral (or human) evil - suffering caused by humans acting in a way that is considered morally wrong e.g.,murder
                          1. 'evil' is a cause of suffering; 'suffering' is a result of evil.
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