Coaching for Purpose


Coaching for Purpose
Mind Map by bshanelle10, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bshanelle10 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Coaching for Purpose
  1. Passion


    • During the passion sessions of this coaching experience we will engage in a variety of activites to figure out your passion. Our first activity is entitled "What I enjoy doing", this activity simply explores what you like to do as an individual and what takes up the majority of your time.     You will write a list of things and write down how much time week that you think you spend doing that activity. Example:  Watching Television 5hrs  Playing with the kids 8hrs
    1. Why?


      •             Session TitlesWhat does God want you to do?Why did He place you here?What drives you each day?What is your daily motivation? In these sessions you will complete activites to explore exactly what God wants you do in life. Example: You will complete an activity to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and evaluate careers that align with your strengths and likes. You will also incorporate the things that you use up the majority of your time from the previous "Passion" session.
      1. Results


        • The final coaching session is the results coaching session. In this session we will review what you have discovered about yourself from the previous sessions and evaluate how it aligns with your purpose in life.
        1. Mission


          •   The purpose of Coaching for Purpose is help leaders discover their purposelife as it relates to their roles in leadership. The three coaching sessions that are described below are great ways to discover who you are and why you do what you do as a leader. This process has been used by many to identify their purpose.
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          Nada Medhat
          the cell
          Nada Medhat
          Nada Medhat
          upper limb
          Nada Medhat
          Jesus Anaya
          German Basics
          Josh Manton
          Nada Medhat
          scalp and face
          Nada Medhat
          cranial cavity
          Nada Medhat
          Nada Medhat
          Review of the past week
          Rutendo Msonza