The Hunger Games


Book Project for 2nd Quarter Madeline Possin
Mind Map by madeline.possin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by madeline.possin about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Hunger Games
  1. By: Suzanne Collins
    1. Characters
      1. Katniss
        1. Tribute
        2. Peeta
          1. Tribute
          2. Effie Trinket
            1. Escort
            2. Haymitch
              1. Mentor
            3. Main Conflict
              1. The main conflict in this book, is that the Capital doesn't want the Districts to rebel against them, so they made the Hunger Games to prove that the Capital is a lot more powerful than the Districts.
              2. Theme
                1. Sacrifice
                  1. This theme is brought out in the book when Katniss steps up to save her sister, and also when Peeta and Katniss pop the poison berries in their mouth at the end of the Hunger Games.
                  2. Setting
                    1. This story takes place in an arena in the Capital.
                      1. Future
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