Jamie Oliver Food Foundation


This mind map is for my campaign for my essay in Play, Health and Well-being.
Mind Map by olivia.p, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by olivia.p over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  1. Kitchen Garden Project
    1. empowers primary school teachers to integrate growing and cooking into the school day
      1. teaching children to grow fruit/vegetables from seed and cook their own meals from scratch
        1. making food education fun and engaging paves the way towards an increase in the knowledge and skills needed to live happier, healthier lives
        2. teaching children about food, where it comes from, how to cook it and how it affects their bodies, the resources and recipes equip children with the knowledge and confidence to cook from scratch, as well as forming positive eating habitats that will last a lifetime
        3. food education programme for UK primary schools
          1. educates primary school children about growing and cooking food
          2. 200+ primary schools signed up to the brand new kitchen garden project
            1. 1 of the core food education programmes in schools
              1. aims to encourage a love of good food and cooking, in line with the statutory cooking requirements set out in the national curriculum for England.
                1. key stage 1 - new national curriculum requires children to be taught about food
                  1. key stage 2 - children to be taught to prepare and cook savoury dishes with cooking techniques
                  2. inspire schools to get involved with food education - work together to pass on information to future generations
                    1. it is available in England, as cooking/growing is compulsory. Membership is limited to government - recognised schools
                      1. cooking is a fundamental life skill, that is important as reading/writing
                        1. the next generation need cooking skills and food knowledge
                          1. children need to be introduced into fruit/vegetables, at a young age
                            1. first step towards healthy eating
                          2. Schools outside the UK
                            1. the good foundation
                              1. Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden project
                                1. Edible Schoolyard Project
                                2. provides digital resources
                                  1. videos
                                    1. curriculum linked activities
                                      1. helpful teaching notes
                                        1. children's recipes
                                          1. lesson plans
                                            1. growing units
                                              1. nutrition infromation
                                              2. 'cooking is without a doubt one of the most important skills a person can learn'. Jamie Oliver
                                                1. 1/3 young adults in Britain don't know that eggs come from chickens
                                                  1. fewer than 40% of British children can cook 5 savoury dishes by the time they leave school
                                                    1. 4/5 children aged 5-15 fail to consume the recommended 5 daily portions of fruit/vegetables
                                                  2. Food Revolution Day
                                                    1. was held 15th May this year
                                                      1. GLOBAL aspects
                                                        1. partner charities
                                                          1. Good Foundation Australia
                                                            1. Key partners in USA & Australia work with us to deliver cooking skills and food education to communities
                                                            2. Jamie Oliver Food Foundation in USA
                                                            3. support Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Day
                                                              1. Annual campaigns
                                                                1. uses the power of Jamie Oliver's global voice to shout about important food issues, driving individuals and businesses to take part in impactful change and pushing governments to improve their food policies in support of better public health.
                                                          2. runs 3 core food education programmes
                                                            1. kitchen garden project
                                                              1. extends to secondary schools through Jamie's Home Cooking skills - BTEC-accredited programme
                                                              2. ministry of food
                                                                1. trained teachers inspire people to cook from scratch
                                                                  1. practical and hands on community-based cooking programme. That teaches people to cook.
                                                                    1. specifically developed with nutrition and balance in mind, aim to build an individuals confidence to cook good, affordable, nutritious meals for themselves and their families
                                                                      1. classes use Jamie Oliver recipes and resources
                                                                    2. fifteen apprentice programme
                                                                      1. uses the magic of food to give disengaged young people a chance at a better future
                                                                        1. every year, fifteen restaurant recruits 18 apprentices aged 18-25
                                                                          1. trains them to become professional chefs through it's unique 12-month programme
                                                                            1. personal development
                                                                              1. college based education
                                                                                1. on the job learning
                                                                              2. graduates still work in food industry today
                                                                                1. extensive outreach programme - working with people each year to help unlock their potential in the kitchen
                                                                              3. was found in 2002
                                                                                1. our mission - is to shape the health and well-being of current and future generations and contribute to a healthier world, by providing better access to food education for everyone
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