Preparation of a Translator


Mapa mental de ingles
Estefanny Rincon
Mind Map by Estefanny Rincon, updated about 1 month ago
Estefanny Rincon
Created by Estefanny Rincon about 1 month ago

Resource summary

Preparation of a Translator
  1. Essential Features
    1. Language Knowledge
      1. Complete command of at least two languages, generally the mother tongue and the foreign language.
      2. General Culture
        1. Deep understanding of the culture, history, and context of the languages ​​worked.
        2. Research Capacity
          1. Ability to search for and validate information, especially technical terms and jargon.
          2. Translation Techniques
            1. Knowledge of different translation techniques, such as literal, adaptive, and functional equivalence translation.
            2. Precision and Attention to Detail
              1. Care in the precision of the terms and consistency in the translation.
              2. Professional Ethics
                1. Respect for confidentiality, integrity and quality at work.
                2. Types of Preparation
                  1. Academic Training
                    1. University studies in translation or philology.
                    2. Technical Training
                      1. Training in specific areas, such as legal, medical, technical, literary translation, etc.
                      2. Professional Practice
                        1. Work experience in translation, professional internships and workshops.
                        2. Self-study
                          1. Continuous autonomous study, learning new languages ​​and constant updating.
                          2. Preparation Examples
                            1. Legal Translation Course at a University
                              1. A specialized course in translating legal texts.
                              2. Internship in a Translation Agency
                                1. Supervised practical experience in a translation company.
                                2. Literary Translation Workshops
                                  1. Workshops that perfect the ability to translate literary texts.
                                  2. Professional Certification
                                    1. Obtain certifications recognized by professional associations.
                                    2. Related Concepts
                                      1. Assisted Translation Tools
                                        1. Software that helps translators in their work, increasing efficiency and consistency.
                                        2. Location
                                          1. Content adaptation that not only includes translation, but also adaptation to a specific market.
                                          2. Bilingualism
                                            1. Fluency in two languages, which is the basis of translation work.
                                            2. Cultural Adaptation:
                                              1. Ability to adapt content to be culturally relevant in the target language.
                                              2. Relationships between categories
                                                1. Academic Training and Technical Training are part of Preparation and are strongly related to Professional Ethics and Language Knowledge
                                                  1. Professional Practice and Self-learning are directly related to Research Capacity and the use of Assisted Translation Tools.
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