Modals & semi-modals 3


Modals & semi modals
Abeer Alqahtani
Mind Map by Abeer Alqahtani, updated more than 1 year ago
Abeer Alqahtani
Created by Abeer Alqahtani over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Modals & semi-modals 3


  1. Absence of necessity
    1. Past
      1. didn't have to / didn't need to + base
        1. 1. I didn't have to /need to pick up the kids from school.. 2. You needn't have gone out .


          • it wasn't necessary 
      2. Present / Future
        1. don't have to / don't need to / needn't + base
          1. 1. You don't have to call us again. 2. He doesn't need to send his CV again. . 3. You needn't worry. Everything is under control.


            • It's not necessary 
      3. necessity
        1. Present / Future
          1. need to + base


            • need can be main verb or modal. for example: 1. I need to go out . ( main ) 2. Need you go out ? ( modal ) 3. He needn't go out. ( modal )
            1. I need to know how many people will be there .
          2. Past
            1. needed to + base
              1. We needed to buy some more bread , so we went to the supermarket .
          3. Obligation


            1. present/future
              1. personal


                • from myself
                1. must+ base
                  1. I must finish this by tonight .


                    • I say so
                2. external


                  • from others
                  1. have/ has to + base
                    1. You have to drive on the left when you are in England.


                      • It's the law
                3. past
                  1. had to + base
                    1. When I was at school , I had to wake up at 7 o'clock every morning.
                4. Prohibition
                  1. Present / Future
                    1. mustn't + base
                      1. You mustn't park here .


                        • You are not allowed
                  2. Advice


                    1. Present / Future
                      1. +
                        1. had better + base


                          • threat or warning  stronger than should  'd better ( short form )
                          1. You'd better ask a doctor about it .
                        2. -
                          1. had better not + base
                            1. You'd better not talk to strangers .
                      2. Preference


                        1. Present/ Future
                          1. +
                            1. would rather + base


                              • usually followed by ( than ) 'd rather ( short form )
                              1. I'd rather stay at home than go to the park .
                            2. -
                              1. would rather not + base
                                1. She'd rather not have coffee.
                          2. Possibility
                            1. Present / Future
                              1. +
                                1. could /may / might + base
                                  1. He could /may /might be at home now.
                                2. -
                                  1. may/ might not + base
                                    1. We may / might not go to the bank today.
                              2. Deductions


                                1. Present /Future
                                  1. certainty


                                    • something is true sure
                                    1. must + base


                                      • same form as personal obligation 
                                      1. My parents must be at work now.
                                    2. Impossiblility


                                      • I believe it's impossible 
                                      1. can't + base
                                        1. You can't be serious .
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                                  over 9 years ago
                                  Thank you for your hard work
                                  over 9 years ago
                                  zainah adel / it is amazing mind map


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