Data & Information


AS - Level Information Technology Mind Map on Data & Information, created by Calum_Weeks on 10/11/2015.
Mind Map by Calum_Weeks, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Calum_Weeks over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Data & Information
  1. What is data?
    1. RAW Material
      1. meaning less details as lack relevance
        1. Have no context
        2. Forms of Data
          1. Numbers
            1. Words
              1. Images
                1. Sounds
                2. How can data arise
                  1. Direct Source
                    1. Counting cars as they enter a car park
                    2. Purpose for which it is collected
                      1. Indirect data
                        1. Collected for one purpose and used for another
                          1. EXAMPLE: Sales data from credit card used for promotional
                      2. Why Code Data
                        1. Less effort to type
                          1. More data can appear on screen
                            1. Takes up less storage
                              1. Easier to check the code is accurate
                              2. Examples of Coded Data
                                1. dd/mm/yy
                                  1. M or F
                                    1. GB, AU, CH, ES
                                    2. Encoding
                                      1. Putting data into a specified format that allows effective transmission or storage
                                        1. Data is converted into binary to allow the computer to understand it
                                          1. ASCII Encoding - where keyboard characters are changed into Binary. A = 01000001
                                          2. Why encode Data?
                                            1. To compress Data
                                              1. Makes it smaller and occupy less space
                                              2. Enable a file produced in one software package to be read by someone who does not have that software package on their computer
                                              3. Types of Encoding
                                                1. Images
                                                  1. GIF
                                                    1. JPG
                                                      1. BMP
                                                        1. PNG
                                                        2. Sound
                                                          1. WAV
                                                            1. MP3
                                                              1. WMA
                                                            2. Difference between Data & Information
                                                              1. Data is raw values put into, stored and processed by a system
                                                                1. Information is produced as data with a context.
                                                                2. What is information?
                                                                  1. Information is processed data
                                                                    1. Data that has been
                                                                      1. Processed
                                                                        1. Contextualised
                                                                          1. Organised in the same way
                                                                        2. Quality of information
                                                                          1. Accuracy
                                                                            1. Information to be easily understood
                                                                              1. Relevance
                                                                                1. Up to date
                                                                                2. Why keep data up to date?
                                                                                  1. Data Protection
                                                                                    1. Accurate Predictions
                                                                                      1. Accurate analysis of Data
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