Advantages: inexpensive,
simple to use, exact
copies, any time as long as
its on
Disadvantages: dial
wrong number, could be
busy, poor quality, long
time to transmit
Advantages: very easy,
free, quick, don't have to
be present, sent any
time, attachments, group
Disadvantages: Need
hardware, email address,
change email address,
spam, waste time, not
read it, viruses
Disadvantages: needs
hardware/software, fast data link is
needed, delays, time zones,
camera limited
Advantages: no need to spend
time/money travelling to meetings,
many different people, view things at
the same time, ideas/knowledge
can be communicated quick
Instant Messaging
Advantages: very
Disadvantages: no time
to reflect, adverts/popups,
anyone can send