Where I Live


Mind Map by susie_patterson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by susie_patterson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Where I Live
  1. Community & Buildings
    1. Ballymena
      1. Village of Galgorm
        1. Play park
          1. Garden Centre
            1. Ladybirds Nursery
              1. Golf Club
          2. My Home from Home.....'Home is Where the Heart Is'
            1. Growing Up - Treasured Childhood Days/Memories
              1. Porstewart
                1. Time Passing
                  1. Now & Then- Historical photographs alongside 'now'
                    1. Same location (Beach) as changes through seasons/time of day
                    2. Tourist Attractions
                      1. Home
                        1. What it IS to me...
                          1. Papa's Garden, fairytale setting, picking fruit
                            1. 'Danger' sign on Beach (childhood), body boarding,, running home in bare feet, crab fishing
                              1. Vintage toys, vinyl records,
                          2. Sligo
                            1. Scenery
                              1. Ben Bulben, Knocknarea, Rosses Pt, Cockle Strand
                              2. Important to me
                                1. Wedding
                                  1. Family
                                    1. Strandhill
                              3. Inspirational Quotes About Life
                                1. Song Lyrics
                                  1. "I know a place that will take you away"........" This is Our house where the melodies play"
                                  2. Pinterest board
                                  3. From someone else's perspective
                                    1. My two year old daughter
                                      1. Roleplaying , imaginative play
                                        1. Play house , kitchen , cardboard box shop etc..
                                        2. Perspectives - how she views everything ie. accentuating size from various viewpoints
                                        3. Others' Inspirational Homes
                                          1. The Garden across the Road
                                            1. The White Hare
                                          2. Animal Habitats
                                            1. Darren's Farm
                                              1. Pigs, Turkeys, chickens, dogs, cats, cows
                                              2. Zoo
                                                1. Pets or Minibeasts (Lorna's)
                                                  1. rats, snakes, lamb, budgies, dogs, cats, cows, spiders etc
                                                2. Living with a Chronic Illness
                                                  1. Living 'The Little Things'
                                                    1. Clouds & Rainbows - Finding Flashes of Colour in a 'Grey' Life
                                                      1. Clouds (Black and White Photographs)
                                                        1. Feeling Poorly
                                                          1. LImitations
                                                            1. tears
                                                              1. Time moving slowly
                                                              2. Rainbows (Bright ,happy colourful photographs)
                                                                1. Laughter
                                                                  1. family
                                                                    1. Friends
                                                                      1. Helping Others
                                                                        1. cuddles
                                                                          1. Being Outdoors
                                                                            1. sunshine
                                                                              1. Hobbies
                                                                            2. My Life in Pictures
                                                                              1. Photographs on a Gallery Wall turning into real life moments (video snippets)
                                                                          2. Poster Ideas - Advertising something that I do in my life
                                                                            1. Interior Decor - Upcycling Furniture
                                                                              1. Therapies
                                                                                1. Reflexology
                                                                                  1. Kinesiology
                                                                                    1. Graded Exercise Therapy
                                                                                      1. Nutritional Eating Plans
                                                                                      2. Coffee with Friends
                                                                                        1. Photography
                                                                                          1. Art & craft
                                                                                            1. Children's Story book Illustrations
                                                                                              1. Painting and making 'things'
                                                                                                1. Creative Videos Incorporating art
                                                                                                2. Teaching /Tutoring
                                                                                                  1. Watching films & listening to Music
                                                                                                  2. Where I work
                                                                                                    1. Broughshane
                                                                                                      1. Broughshane Primary School
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