Chapter 20: Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts


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Resource summary

Chapter 20: Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
  1. Comprehensive Coverage of UCC
    1. Article II
      1. Governs sales contracts
        1. does not deal with real estate, services or intangible property like stocks/bonds
          1. if subj matter of a dispute is goods the UCC governs. if real estate or services, common law applies
          2. rules can vary depending of whether buyer/seller is merchant
        2. Article II-A
          1. Lease Agreements
            1. a lessor's and lessee's bargain w/ respect to lease of goods
              1. applies to all types of goods, unless special type
              2. Consumer Leases
                1. lessor regularly engages in leas/sell biz
                  1. lessee who leases the goods "primarily for personal, family or household purpose
                    1. Total lease paymts >$25k
                    2. Finance Leases
                      1. involves: lessor, lessee, supplier
                        1. lessor buys/leases goods from supplier, then leases/subleases them to lessee
                          1. lessor is financing the transaction, simply
                  2. Offer
                    1. Open Terms
                      1. Parties intended to make contract
                        1. Reasonably certain basis for court to grant appropriate remedy
                          1. Open Price Open Payment Open Delivery
                          2. Requirements/Output Contracts
                            1. Merch FIrm Offer
                              1. 1. Written 2. Signed by offeror
                            2. Acceptance
                              1. seasonably
                                1. Com of Accept.
                                  1. Add. Terms
                                    1. When 1 or both are non-merch
                                      1. when both are merch.
                                    2. Consideration
                                      1. Statute of Frauds
                                        1. Parole Evidence
                                          1. Unconsionability
                                            1. Special Provisions in International Contracts
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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