Options for the court with unlawful agreements and provisions
Unlawful Agreements
Not automatically void UNLESS declared to be so by a court
Court may declare CA void
Order refund of all payments
made by consumers ito CA AND
Prohibit CP from claiming from consumer AND
Unlawful provisions
‘Sever’ (cut out) provision from agmt OR
Alter agmt/provision OR
IF neither is possible, declare whole CA void
Consumers Rights
Right to apply for credit without discrimination
Right to information and documents
in official and plain language
Right to confidentiality
Rights regarding information held by Credit Bureaux
CBs & CPs must remove all adverse info re
consumer, once all debts paid in full
Cooling off period
Consumer may (without reason) rescind INSTALMENT AGREEMENT
OR LEASE within 5 business days of signing contract
Regulated by the National Credit Act
Requirements to qualify as a Credit Agreement?
Credit extended either by (1) one party
advancing money to another party, or (2) parties
agree that payment of money owed by one party
to the other will be deferred to a future date
There is a cost to the debtor for the
advancement of money/deferral of payment in
the form of interest, fees or charges
Types of credit agreements
Credit facility
Agreement where CP supplies goods/services OR pays amount
to Consumer
Defers payment to future date (or all or any part of money
owed) OR bills consumer periodically for repayment
Charges interest, charges or fees for deferred payment/amounts not paid
Credit Transactions
Pawn transactions
CP gives money to consumer in exchange for goods as security.
Discount transactions
Goods/services provided over period of time AND
discounted price payable IF debt(s) repaid early.
Incidental credit agreements
Account rendered for goods/services AND if
not paid by X date, interest/charges
becomes payable OR 2 prices are put
forward depending on date of payment
Instalment Sale Agreements
Sale of MOVEABLE property: delivery takes place & price
payable in instalments (with interest/fees charged)
Ownership remains vested in CP until
paid in full OR reverts to CP in case of default
Mortgage Agreements
Where consumer takes out loan to buy house &
bank / lender registers mortgage bond as security
Secured Loans
Money lender secures loan bmo
pledge over movable property
SALE, eg. cellphone contract
Movable (IMMOVABLE LEASES EXCLUDED) goods lent to consumer AND rent payable
in instalments OR at later date AND interest / fees payable AND ownership passes to
consumer on settlement of debt NB OVERLAPS with instalment sale agreements
Credit guarantees
Contract ito which one person (guarantor) undertakes to satisfy
(on demand) another consumer’s obligation ito credit facility OR
credit transaction
Size of Credit Agreements
Small credit agreement <15k
Intermediate credit agreement 15k – 250k
Large credit agreement >250k
NCA ONLY applicable to agmts concluded in SA or with an effect in SA
Exluded agreements
Insurance policies
Leases of immovable property
Where state is the consumer
NCA ONLY applicable if:
Consumer is a natural person
Consumer is a juristic person (partnerships included) with annual
turnover that is lower than that prescribed in the goverment
gazette, and agreement is NOT a large agreement (>250k)
Institutions under the NCA
National Credit Regulator
Bears primary responsibility for promoting & realising
purposes of the NCA & monitoring credit market
National Consumer Tribunal
Functions like a court: Adjudicates complaints and may issue fines,
cancel registrations of CPs, prohibit further extensions of credit
Debt Councellors
Registered, qualified, natural persons Investigate & make recommendations to
courts regarding alleged instances of reckless credit and/or over-indebtedness
Credit Bureaus
Where all of the info regarding credit agreements is kept
Dispute Resolution
UNLESS complaint concerns debt enforcement by CP, parties to disputes about CAs must
attempt to reach resolution btwn themselves before referring dispute to NCT or court
Credit Providers Duties
Negative option marketing is prohibited
Marketing & sales of credit at consumer’s home / work Say someone knocks on your door
selling air freshener. It costs R10, but you cant afford it. They offer for you to pay it off over
two years. THIS IS ACCEPTABLE. However it is NOT ACCESSIBLE to directly offer you credit.
Consumer (generally) has 5 business days to accept & (subject to certain
exceptions) CP must then contract with consumer on stated terms if
national interest rates change during the 5 days then bad luck
Obligation on CPs to take reasonable steps to assess (potential) consumer’s understanding of risks &
costs; obligations ito agmt; debt repayment history AND financial means to prevent reckless credit
Aim is to avoid reckless credit
Cost of Credit
charges/fees etc may NOT exceed
unpaid balance of principal debt
Prohibits CPs from charging higher prices for goods or services ito
CAs than that charged for cash purchases of same goods/services
Rights & duties during operation of contract
Duty to report location of goods
Consumers who have concluded INSTALMENT AGMTS,
LEASES & SECURED LOANS with CPs must notify CPs of
location of goods & changes thereto OR be guilty of offence
Changes to CA’s (eg. Interest rates) must be signed & in writing (may be
electronic) UNLESS they REDUCE consumer’s obligations
Requests by consumers for max credit limits (in case of
credit facilities) to be reduced MUST be accepted
Consumers MAY make larger than necessary payments OR pay earlier
than required ito CA AND CPs MUST accept such payments
Right to debt review
Consumers may apply to debt counsellors for debt review AND debt
counsellor may investigate allegations, AND MAY:
Dismiss application OR
Make recommendations to consumer OR
Recommend to CRT that consumer be declared over-indebted & have debts
restructured/rearranged AND/OR that one/more of CAs = reckless
Effect of application for debt review
Consumers may not incur further charges/enter into
new CAs BEFORE pending applications resolved
CPs who have received notice of the above (or of an
application for CA to be declared reckless) may not enforce any
right/security ito CA UNTIL pending applications resolved
'Consumer is, or will be, unable to satisfy all obligations, under credit agreements to which she is a
party, on time, having regard to the consumer’s financial means, prospects, obligations and probable
propensity to do so as indicated by her history of debt repayment.’
‘either at the time the agreement was made or at the time an amount approved under the agreement
increased, the credit provider either failed to conduct any assessment at all of the consumer’s capacity to
afford the credit, or increase, irrespective of what the outcome of that assessment would have been'
Powers of Courts
Reject application
Declare consumer over-indebted
Declare certain CA(s) to be reckless and if so the court MUST either
suspend OR set aside relevant CA(s) in whole or in part…
CA set aside? Consumer released
from all obligations thereunder
CA suspended? Consumer need not make payments
ito CA until period of suspension lapses AND no
interest/fees etc may be charged for that period
Rearrange consumer’s obligations
Consumer may not enter into further CAs UNTIL terms of re-arrangement / order
met AND CP may not enforce CAs UNLESS consumer defaults ito re-arrangement
Credit provider’s rights on consumer’s breach
Where agmt = instalment agmt, lease or secured loan, CP may take possession of
relevant property (think of a car), subject to cancelling CA & obtaining court order.