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Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
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Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
Field Note: Preserving Culture
Parsi; an ethic and religious group, follow the Zoroastrian religion, they sought refuge in India
The Parsi make up a small percent of the population (0.00046%)
Despite their size, they were major players in India's economy
Their small size is threatening the extinction of the culture
Parsi have very low fertility rates, high birth rates and well educated women
Today they are struggling to maintain their culture and sense of community in the changing world
What are Local and Popular Cultures?
A group of people who share common beliefs can be recognized as a culture in 2 ways
1. the people can call themselves a culture
2. Other people can label them as a culture
Academics label culture groups as folk* or popluar*
Folk have homogeneous pops. In rural areas
Popular have heterogeneous pops. In urban areas
Folk culture is a limiting concept, it requires a list of characteristics
Local culture* instead of "folk culture"
The material* and nonmaterial* culture of a group reflects their beliefs and values
Pop. Culture can change in a matter of days or hours
Diffusion; transport., marketing, + com. networks
How are Local Cultures Sustained?
Rural Local Cultures
Easier to maintain because of isolation
Anabaptist groups: Hutterites, Amish, and Mennonites
In the 90's the Makah American Indians reinstated their whale hunt, causing an uproar
Urban Local Cultures
create ethnic neighborhoods*
i.e. NYC
Local Cultures and Cultural Appropriation
commodification* is affecting local cultures
The question of authenticity* follows commodification
Authenticity of Places
i.e. Branson, MI, the Irish Pub Co.
Freezes customs in place and time for consumption, while claiming authenticity
In 2008 Canada and Australia apologized to their indigenous populations for assimilation*
Sustained by customs and traditions
Strive to avoid cultural appropriation*
How is Popular Culture Diffused?
Hearths of Pop. Culture
All aspects of pop. Culture have a hearth
1. Contagious diffusion
2. Hierarchial
Local cultures will use reterritorialization* to make the aspect their own
i.e. hip hop
Replacing Old Hearths w/ New
Major League Sports to extreme sports
skate/snow boarding, ultimate fighting
new=socially desirable
Stemming the Tide of Pop. Culture-Losing the Local?
for some local cultures pop. culture can feel like assimilation
NoAm, WeEu, Ja, In, + SoKo all act as major hearths of pop. culture
During the 20th century the spatial extent of diffusion has expanded
New tech. has altered distance decay*
David Harvey used time-space compression* to explain modern diffusion
How can Local and Popular Cultures be seen in the Cultural Landscape?
Cultural Landscapes of Local Cultures
the tension between pop. and local culture can be seen in the cultural landscape*
placelessness* is used to describe the loss of uniqueness to a place
cultural landscapes can begin to blend together
global businesses
3rd dimension
global-local continuum*
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