Learning and Study Skills


Basic learning skills
Mind Map by charumathur7, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Salman Siddiqui
Created by Salman Siddiqui almost 9 years ago
Copied by charumathur7 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Learning and Study Skills
  1. Learning Styles:
    1. Visual - looking
      1. Aural - listening
        1. Practical - doing
        2. Mind Mapping
          1. Time Management
            1. Make a schedule; List tasks in short and long term
              1. It's stressful to put off work
                1. Start with simplest task and complete it
                  1. Now tackle the next simplest.
                    1. Repeat :)
                  2. Motivation
                    1. Re-evaluate your priorities
                      1. Take responsibility
                        1. Be honest to yourself
                          1. Reduce stress; don't put things off till last minute
                            1. mix fun tasks with work in your list
                              1. reward yourself for finishing tasks
                              2. Break big tasks into smaller/simpler tasks
                                1. Be realistic; don't overload yourself
                                  1. What are you good at? Weave it into each task; makes you feel good.
                                    1. Learn/practice basic skills required e.g. typing
                            2. Reading
                              1. Scanning: fast reading to find information
                                1. Don't try to read every word
                                  1. Use clues on page ; heading, titles etc
                                    1. write the question you want answered before scanning
                                      1. Use to find specific information e.g. Phone number from a directory
                                      2. Skimming; fast reading to obtain gist of text
                                        1. Use to quickly understand meaning of text
                                          1. To Skim-read;
                                            1. Read Title, subtitle and subheading for first clues to meaning
                                              1. Look at pictures and captions
                                                1. Read first and last sentence of each para
                                                  1. fill gaps in understanding by reading mid sentences
                                                    1. Don't read each word. Focus on keywords
                                              2. If you don't understand, don't despair. Give it time.
                                                1. Close Reading; use for technical/complex texts
                                                  1. Start by reading Heading, Title, sub-titles
                                                    1. Read paragraph. Rephrase in mind. Did you understand it?
                                                      1. Read and rephrase complex paragraphs, sentence by sentence
                                                        1. If you don't know a word, look-up its meaning then re-read the sentence
                                                    2. Listening
                                                      1. Concentrate
                                                        1. Take notes; hand write
                                                          1. Ask to repeat or explain
                                                          2. Talking
                                                            1. Prepare what you want to say
                                                              1. Introduce yourself and purpose of conversation clearly
                                                                1. be prepared to take notes; pen & paper
                                                                  1. Ask for and note the name of other party
                                                                    1. Check conversation is convinient for other party. If not, ask for another time.
                                                              2. Speak slowly and clearly. Aim to be understood.
                                                                1. Never interrupt
                                                                2. Be courteous. Thank the person.
                                                                  1. Clearly indicate end of conversation. Check other party for questions.
                                                                    1. Phone: Hangup half second after the called party
                                                                    2. Writing
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