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Pack 3 - Transport across cell membranes
Biology revision for diffusion etc.
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pack 3 transport across cell membranes
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Mind Map by
Jacob Shepherd
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jacob Shepherd
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Pack 3 - Transport across cell membranes
Phosphate groups, glycerol and 2 fatty acids make up a phospholipid
An ester bond is made and water is removed (condensation)
They are polar molecules
The head (top) is hydrophobic
The tail is hydrophilic
Phospholipid bilayer
Functions of the bilayer
Allows lipid-soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
Prevents water-soluble to enter and leave the cell
Makes the membrane flexible and self-sealing
Proteins can span the membrane or just sit on one of the surfaces of the bilayer
Help cells attach to each other
Channel proteins allow water soluble substances through
They facilitate facilitated diffusion
Carrier proteins help diffusion
Help active transport
Act as cell surface receptors
Adds strength to the membrane
Reduces movement of other molecules
Makes the membrane less fluid at higher temperatures
Prevents leakage of water and dissolved ions
Found between the phospholipids in the bilayer
Lipid covalently bonded to carbohydrate
Carb extends from bilayer into watery environment
Act as recognition site
Help maintain stability of membrane
Help cells attach together forming tissues
Extrinsic protein covalently bonded to carb
Carb extends from the bilayer into water environment around cell
Recognition sites
Help cells stick together
Allow cells to recognise each other
Fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane
The molecules act like a fluid
It looks like the tiles on a mosaic
Permeability of plasma membrane
Most substances can't pass through the plasma membrane because:
Not lipid soluble
Too large
They're polar molecules
The net movement of molecules or ions from a region where they are highly concentrated to a region where their concentration is lower
Diffusion is passive as it does not require any ATP
When the net flow of molecules from one direction stops it is called dynamic equilibrium
Factors that affect the rate:
More temp = more KE in particles so they move quicker = faster diffusion
Difference in concentration
Higher difference in concentration = faster diffusion
Distance over which diffusion occurs
Greater distance = slower diffusion
Area over which diffusion occurs
As are increases diffusion rate increases
Nature of any structure across which diffusion occurs
e.g. if a molecule is lipid soluble it will get through plasma membranes fast
Size of diffusing molecule
Smaller means they can pass through pores quickly = faster diffusion
Fick's Law
Diffusion rate is proportional to:
(Surface area*conc. difference)/diffusion distance
Facilitated diffusion
This is passive, it does not require ATP
Goes with the conc. gradient
Channel Proteins
These from water filled hydrophilic channels across the membrane
Allows specific water soluble ions to pass through
They are selective
They may only open in the presence of a specific ion
The binding of the specific ion changes the shape of the protein allowing the ions to pass
Carrier proteins
These span the plasma membrane
A molecule (must be specific and complementary) to bind to the carrier protein
This causes the protein to change shape
Then the molecule is released on the opposite side
More carrier proteins and channel proteins = faster diffusion
The net movement from an area of less negative water potential to an area of more negative water potential through a semi - permeable membrane
High conc. to low conc.
Larger molecules, like glucose, can't fit through the membrane
Water potential
Pure water has a WP of 0
Addition of water will lower the WP
Water potential of a solution will always be negative
More solute = more negative
Osmosis in animal cells
If you place a red blood cell in water
The red blood cells have a lower water potential than pure water
So the net movement of water will be into the red blood cells by osmosis
Red blood cells will swell and lyse
If you place rbc's in strong solution then rbc's shrink
Osmosis in plant cells
In pure water, plant cells have a lower water potential and the net movement will be into the plant
The cell wall becomes rigid and resists the entry of water
It becomes turgid
If plant cells have higher water potential then net movement out of the cell, protoplast comes away from the cell wall
It is plasmolysed
Incipient plasmolysis is when there is no net movement of water, the protoplast is just pulling away from the cell
Active transport
The movement of molecules or ions usually from a region of low conc. to a region of high conc.
Against the conc. gradient
Requires carrier proteins and ATP
e.g. Sodium/potassium pump
Stages are:
1. Na+ binds to specific receptor sit on the carrier protein
2. ATP binds to the protein and splits into ADP and a phosphate molecule
3. Energy is released, the phosphate molecule remains bound to the carrier protein
4. The carrier protein changes shape, Na+ is released on the opposite side of the membrane
5. K+ now bind to their receptor sites, causing the protein to change shape again
K+ and phosphate are released on the original side of the membrane leaving the carrier protein to pick up more Na+
This occurs in the ileum (small intestine)
To increase diffusion in the ileum there is microvilli
This increases surface area
Starch is broken into maltose then glucose in the small intestine
Enzymes are amylase then maltase
After a meal the conc. of glucose etc. will be higher in the ileum than the blood
The circulatory system maintains a difference in the conc. gradient by carrying away the products of digestion
Co - transport
Glucose or amino acids are drawn into the cell with sodium ions
1. sodium ions are pumped out of the cell into the blood stream
This requires ATP
Therefore is active transport
2. This maintains a conc. gradient of sodium ions from the lumen (high) to the cell (low)
3. Sodium ions diffuse into the cells down their conc. gradient through the co-transport carrier protein
For this to happen glucose also has to bind to the protein, therefore it is brought through with the sodium ions
Glucose goes against its conc. gradient
4. Glucose molecules pass into the blood plasma by facilitated diffusion with another carrier protein
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