Main function of an operating system.


OPerating systems
Henry Didge
Mind Map by Henry Didge, updated more than 1 year ago
Henry Didge
Created by Henry Didge over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Main function of an operating system.
  1. An operating system has three main features.
    1. Establish a user interface.
      1. Execute and provide services for applications software.
        1. Manage the computers resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives and many more.
        2. What would happen if the computer didn't have an operating system.
          1. A computer without a operating system wouldn't ever work and the chances are the computer wouldn't be able to exist as for a computer to work it needs the operating system as it's the operating system that runs everything.
          2. Different types of software.
            1. IOS is a software.
              1. Android is a software.
                1. Windows is a software.
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