Christian Symbols 1.
Cross – Jesus’ death on
cross – forgiveness 2.
Baptism – washing
away their sins 3.
Bread and wine is
shared to remind
Christians that Jesus
bled on the Cross and
His body died. This is
communion. 4. Fish
sign – sign of being a
Christian - Letters of
Greek word for fish
are initial letters of
‘Jesus Christ the Son of
God’ in Greek.
Christian Church Symbolism
They explain aspects of faith
and help people focus on God
and pray 1. Cross – to remind
of Jesus’ death, resurrection,
love and forgiveness 2. Altar –
where Holy Communion is
celebrated; remembering Jesus
on the cross 3. Font for
baptising babies; pool for
baptising adults 4. Lectern –
stand for the Bible and to
preach from. 5. Some have
stained glass windows or
pictures of stories from the
Christian Aid Helps poorer nations, works in over 60 countries in developing world. Aim to make
communities self sufficient Educates people in UK about how they may help and why countries are
poor For example work in Senegal where they help farmers to improve their farming methods They
campaign, provide disaster relief and support fair trade They do this because: God loves the world
and all in it; they follow Jesus’ example, his teachings such as loving neighbours, treating other as you
would like to be treated and Christian teachings on Justice
Christian Pilgrimage No requirement, but many go to Israel
because they: Want to visit places which remember key events
in Jesus’ life eg - Church of Nativity (birth), Golgotha
(crucifixion), Garden tomb (burial) Feel closer to Jesus Want to
increase their commitment Want to understand more about
the Bible and the stories they read Some go to Lourdes –
Mainly Catholic Christians 1. Place where the Virgin Mary
appeared 2. People go in hope of healing; to increase their
faith; to increase their commitment; it helps some to feel
closer to Mary.
Christianity and sharing faith 1.
People should be free to follow
whatever religion they like. 2.
Some believe that Christ is the
one truth and they have a
responsibility to encourage
others to convert: Jesus said ‘I
am the way the truth and the life
no-one comes to God without
me’ 3. ‘Evangelist’ is someone
who tells others about
Christianity. 4. They may; preach
in town, give leaflets, knock on
doors, tell friends and
neighbours, invite people to
events in Churches.
Muslim Symbols 1. Aqiqah (shaving the head of a baby). This is a
symbol of purity thanking Allah for the gift of a child. 2. Hijab, loose
clothing – sign of modesty, purity and being a Muslim. Men should also
dress modestly 3. Star and crescent – symbol of Islam and they guide
your way. 4. Zakat – sharing your money with the poor
Muslim Pilgrimage All Muslims are expected to go to Makkah at least
once in their lifetime. They go because: It is one of the five pillars of
Islam To feel part of the worldwide Muslim community (Umma) To get
closer to Allah To take part in the different rituals circling the Kaaba
etc. All wear the same clothes as a sign of equality - ihram
Mosque-Symbolism + Prayer Wudu area – to
wash before worship No pictures or statues
Minaret(tower on the outside) for call to prayer
Qibla – points in the direction of the Kaaba in
Makkah all Muslims pray towards the Kaaba
Raised platform for the Imam to speak from
Separate men and women’s area. These
symbols explain aspects of faith and help
people pray. You will need to explain how.
Islamic Relief 1. Aims to help poorer countries and communities become self sufficient and develop
a ‘caring world’ where people’s basic needs are met. 3. Based on Qur’an and Hadith teachings that
Muslims must help those who are in need. 4. They campaign and speak up for the poor 5. They
educate and train those who are struggling 6. They provide emergency relief after disasters 7. They
provide long term aid such as safe water supplies
Islam and sharing faith 1. There is no compulsion; people should
be free to follow whatever religion they like. 2. Most Muslims
believe that only Islam has God’s true message because the
Qur’an was dictated to the Prophet Muhammad. 3. Some feel
they have a duty to covert others. 4. Most believe Muslims will go
to heaven and others to hell. Only Allah knows. 5. Some believe
we will all be judged depending on whether we have lived a good
life or not.