"Without application in the world, the value of knowledge is greatly diminished." Consider this cla


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Maggie Lou
Mind Map by Maggie Lou, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Genoveva Arias A
Created by Genoveva Arias A almost 9 years ago
Maggie Lou
Copied by Maggie Lou almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

"Without application in the world, the value of knowledge is greatly diminished." Consider this cla
  1. Central knowledge question: To what extent the application of knowledge can define the value of it?
    1. How useful is the application of knowledge to the society?
      1. How memory helps to intensify the value of knowledge?
      2. Thesis: The value of knowledge is fully defined by the application of it. If knowledge is not applied, its value is totally diminished.
        1. Due to memory because people loose notion of that knowledge making its value to be diminished.
          1. When knowledge is not applied, there´s no recognizement of it and therefore it is useless.
            1. Practical problems are solved by applying knowledge, intensifying its value, therefore if no knowledge its applied the value of it is diminished by being wasted.
            2. Counter argument:
              1. Each individual may give its own value to knowledge according to their experiences. (Using sense-perception).
                1. In relation to the area of art people can imagine so many different things giving its own value of what they think its rational.
                2. Natural sciences
                  1. Eg. I havent had my period for 5 months and when I went to the doctor he told me it was because I wasnt producing enough estrogen and therefore my endometrium isnt thick enough to produce my period. I learned in biology class that estrogen is the hormone that produces the endometrium and this knowledge lost its value due that I lost notion of it until now that I was able to apply this knowledge to understand that is really important to produce this hormone in order to be healthy.
                    1. Reason: they have reason to apply this knwoledge. Language: its needed to share knowledge. Memory: with memory people can share knowledge from generation to generation.
                      1. When people discover things realted to this area, they apply what they discovered by sharing their knowledge meaning that this knowledge is useful for society.
                      2. Mathematics
                        1. To be able to solve certain problems in maths its needed to apply other preovious knowledge in the area.
                          1. Memory: people need memory to be able to apply the knowledge in this area. Reason: people have a reason to use math knowledge to be able to solve a mathematical problem.
                            1. Eg. In math class I learned that in order to find sine of a triangle you need to know the opposite and the hypothenus of the triangle. But if you only know the adjacent and the opposite you need to know the pythagoras theorem in order to find the hypothenus and be able to find sine of the triangle.
                            2. Reasons why I´m interested in the title
                              1. It can be useful to know how memory influences the value of knowledge.
                                1. I would like to see how shared knowledge intensifies the value of it.
                                  1. It is interesting to discuss the value of knowledge.
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