Entering Deviance- attracts most attention. Policy
makers want to find out how/why ppl enter deviance to
Training & Socialization- little written about bc little is
trained for new deviants; no formal structure.
Change over time- study how deviants world &
associates evolve.
Exiting Deviance- study on push-pull factors on
leaving deviance; high profile on for policy makers.
Postdeviant- little known bc individuals don't look
back; no forwarding address
Deviant vs Legitimate Careers- similar in all ways
except the drugs/high turnover reduces expertise or
promise delivered.
Deciding to Commit a Burglary: Wright & Decker studied
the motivations/insights into residential burglars.
Concluded that offenders burglurize bc of need (money); otherwise
for status attack, identity or self esteem. They know they are
desperate & seeking fast gain rather than deal with issue.
Social Smoking: A Liminal Position-
Whitesel & Shuman studied how social
smokers justify their status.
Concluded that social smokers consider themselves
different that habitual smokers. They deploy
strategies to differ themselves. Since social smoking
is not defined, it is maleable & often falls through the
social "cracks."
Pimp Controlled Prostitution- Williamson &
Cluse-Tolar conducted qualitative interviews on pimp
controlled prostitutes & their career timeline.
Concluded that the power relationship between pimp & prostitute is predictable.
The relationship is similar to abusive relationships: love at first & then ends
w/woman fleeing for her life.
Shifts & Oscillations in the Careers of Drug Traffickers- Adler & Adler studied
the process by which ppl burn out of deviance., and where they go afterwards.
People do a lot of shifting around in ranks or realms and
deviance is left for the youth. Leave because of ambivalent
feelings towards deviance.
Oscillating In & Out pattern shows how deviants
escape and return in a cycle back to their deviant life.
Relevant to occupational, relational & recreational deviance.
Cycle is due to difficulty moving from illegal to
legitimate sector, and losing lifestyle.
Obstacles to Exiting Emotional Disorder Identites: Jenna Howard studied how those that
discontent emotional disorder ppl show the identity dimensions of exiting deviance.
Concluded that those that have misc. forms of physical, social & human capital adjust easier that those without.
Happiness is based upon these bridges. Many delabel themselves to make it economically & socially.