

Hegel, Fichte y Schelling
Ana Olmedo
Mind Map by Ana Olmedo, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Seb Moreyra
Created by Seb Moreyra almost 9 years ago
Ana Olmedo
Copied by Ana Olmedo almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. All objects of knowledge must be anchored to experience
    1. Kant lacks of self critique and thus that task will never be fulfilled.
      1. Fichte
        1. Reality is action
          1. The way you philosophize indictes who you are
            1. The absolute foundation is the self.
              1. The self is beyond experience
                1. Self= freedom + action
                2. Hegel
                  1. Difference between Fichte and Schelling
                    1. We don´t get to know the object
                      1. Negation= main notion that provides movement to history
                        1. The object is a substance
                          1. Human being is created by history
                          2. Schelling
                            1. Intuition of nature
                              1. Nature=absolute
                                1. Is the identity between subject and object.
                                  1. The foundation of the universe is God
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