The Perfect Tense - Past Tense


Mind Map on The Perfect Tense - Past Tense, created by Alice Knowles on 25/11/2015.
Alice Knowles
Mind Map by Alice Knowles, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Knowles
Created by Alice Knowles over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Perfect Tense - Past Tense


  1. Jouer
    1. joué
      1. J'ai joué
        1. I have played
        2. Tu as joué
          1. You (singular) have played
          2. Il/Elle a joué
            1. He/She has played
            2. Nous avons joué
              1. We have played
              2. Vous avez joué
                1. You (plural) have played
                2. Ils/Elles ont joué
                  1. They have played
                3. To play
                4. Finir
                  1. fini
                    1. Il/Elle a fini
                      1. He/She has finished
                      2. J'ai fini
                        1. I have finished
                        2. Tu as fini
                          1. You (singular) have finshed
                          2. Nous avons fini
                            1. We have finished
                            2. Vous avez fini
                              1. You (plural) have finished
                              2. Ils/Elles ont fini
                                1. They have finished
                              3. To finish
                              4. Vendre
                                1. vendu
                                  1. Tu as vendu
                                    1. You (singular) have sold
                                    2. J'ai vendu
                                      1. I have sold
                                      2. Il/Elle a vendu
                                        1. He/She has told
                                        2. Nous avons vendu
                                          1. We have sold
                                          2. Vous avez vendu
                                            1. You (plural) have sold
                                            2. Ils/Elles ont vendu
                                              1. They have sold
                                            3. to sell
                                            4. For -ER verbs all you have to do is take away the ER and replace it with an é.
                                              1. For -IR verbs all you have to do is take away the IR and replace it with an i
                                                1. For -RE verbs all you have to do is take away the RE and replace it with a u
                                                  1. For the perfect tense in the past tense, you have to always put the conjugated version of avoir, to have before the verb.
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