Immigrants are not culturally integrated in the Netherlands


Immigrants are not culturally integrated in the Netherlands
Mind Map by tizep08, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tizep08 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Immigrants are not culturally integrated in the Netherlands
  1. Unemployment
    1. Language Barrier
      1. Lack of education
        1. 3rd world countried can't provide proper education
    2. Prejudices against immigrants
      1. Misinformed through media
        1. Conservative values
          1. Narrow-mindness & being closed to other cultures
      2. Dutch people want to keep their cultural traditions
        1. Fear of change
          1. Fear of losing cultural identity
            1. Different cutural background
        2. Racism
          1. Imposing of local culture
            1. Loss of cultural identity
              1. Immigrants want to keep their culture, but are forced to adapt
          2. Unhappiness & Homesickness
            1. Riots
              1. Closed communities/isolation
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