We have chosen to update our choice of song in order to reflect the greater narrative
we aim for. To achieve this we have narrowed down our song choice to a different genre.
We think the romantic genre adds more narrative and reaches higher conventions of
music videos that are easier for us to replicate.
Possible song choices and Narratives
The Kooks -Seaside
Man sittingwith guitar
Flashbacks to young happy couple
Jason Miraz- I'm Yours
Starts off with only glimmers of a blurry girl
The man playing the
guitar appears to be
watching/ following her
He continues to chase her
(seems like she's further
Eventually the girl is revealled
Maroon 5- Pay Phone
Man appears to be singing in a busy
city (lots of people around)
But cannot find the girl
Reflections on happier times
One Direction- Perfect
Girl is receiving flowers and
love from a boy (who is not
seen on camera)
This is contrasted by another
more 'rugid' looking boy- doing
nothing nice
In turn she ends up with him
Daughter- Youth
Youth (one particular girl) partying
and having fun
Boy continues to try to talk to her in different locations
Street, shops, party
Flashbacks to the two being happy
Luimineers- You belong with me
Starts off with a girl having a good
time- watching and laughing and
partying, walking ect.
Boy appears to be watching/reflecting on her
Unravels a 'narrative' that she is now with someone else
Possible locations
Driving to the beach? Raining, autumnal beach setting