Without social solidarity,
co-operation would be
impossible due to
Created by transmitting shared
beliefs and values to the next
generation. E.g. History instills a
shared heritage.
School = Society. The Education system
emulates society. Pupils must conform to
authority and work with peers they may not like.
Specialist Skills
Industry requires co-operation to produce products.
The education teaches pupils the specialist skills and
knowledge that need to fulfil their role in society.
Promoting social solidarity.
Talcott Parsons (1961)
School bridges the gap between
family and the wider society.
They operate differently, so
pupils need to learn a new way
of life.
In the family a child has an ascribed status
and is judged in their own unique way. E.g.
Elder son will get different rules to younger
daughter due to age and sex.
In school, universal and
impersonal standards are
used. Same laws apply for
In schools, everyone
sits the same exam
with the same pass
How hard a pupil works will
affect their achieved status.
Both schools and wider society
are based on meritocracy.
Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore (1945)
Schools select and allocate
pupils to their future work
Inequality is necessary to
ensure important roles are
filled by most talented
The most
important jobs have
higher rewards to
Education is a
proving ground. Most
able get better
Peter Blau and Otis Duncan (1978) suggest that a
meritocratic society enables each person to
fulfil the role they are best suited to.
Therefore society makes the most effective
use of its 'Human Capital' and maximise
Evaluation Points
Inadequate teaching of specialised skills - Wolf Review of
Vocational Education (2011): Quality apprenticeships are
rare. Up to 1/3 of 16 - 19 year olds will not go on to
higher education or jobs.
Equal opportunity does not exist.
Achievement influenced by class
rather than ability.
Melvin Tumin (1953): Davis and Moore have made a circular
argument. The important jobs have a high reward because
they are more important.
Marxists believe the education
system only transmits the values
and ideology of the ruling class.
Interactionists like Dennis Wrong (1961) suggest
that functionalists have an 'over socialised' view
that people are puppets of society and that
pupils never reject school's values
Neoliberals and the New Right argue that the
eduction system fails to prepare young
people adequately for work.