The Age of Punk research


textiles unit 2
Mind Map by leahemilysmith, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by leahemilysmith about 9 years ago
Copied by leahemilysmith about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Age of Punk research
  1. colour
    1. Deep, bold reds
      1. Black
        1. Harsh and corresponding
          1. Hot pink
            1. Rustic and murky
            2. Subgenres of Punk
              1. Steampunk
                1. pop punk
                  1. punk rock
                    1. cyber punk
                      1. hardcore
                        1. celtic punk
                        2. clothing components
                          1. denim
                            1. leather
                              1. graphic t-shirts
                                1. punk bands
                                  1. misfits
                                    1. the clash
                                      1. the ramones
                                        1. sex pistols
                                        2. rebellious slogans and icons
                                          1. skulls
                                            1. sex pistols slogans and logos
                                              1. 'anarchy in the uk'
                                          2. tartan
                                            1. decorative zips
                                              1. corsets
                                                1. dog collars/ chokers
                                                  1. studs
                                                    1. uneven hems
                                                      1. odd cut edges
                                                        1. frayed/ distressed fabric
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