Educational policies in the UK since 1997


Mind Map by 22030073, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 22030073 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Educational policies in the UK since 1997
  1. Types of Schools
    1. Comprehensive schools
      1. Faith schools
        1. Secondary modern schools
          1. Private schools
            1. Grammar schools
            2. Different aspects of education from polices
              1. New Right
                1. Schools should compete to attract pupils and educational standards improve as a result
                  1. Marketisation, testing and national curriculum (1979-1997)
                  2. Social Democrat
                    1. Society should be based on fairness
                  3. The Education Act 2011
                    1. Brought in by coalition government
                      1. Changes to many different education policy such as:
                        1. Discipline
                          1. Post-16 education and training
                            1. Student finance
                              1. Academies (free schools)
                                1. Non profit making, independent state funding school
                                  1. Offer broad and balanced curriculum
                                    1. Not controlled by a local authority
                                    2. Pupil premium
                                      1. EMA's
                                    3. Criticisms
                                      1. Increased university fees
                                        1. Lots of cuts to funding
                                          1. Inequalities still in education
                                            1. Ball et al.- families using cultural capital to impress at interviews
                                            2. Students still effected by material and culutural deprivation
                                            3. Compulsory education/training to the age of 18
                                              1. Curriculum 2000
                                                1. Reform of the A level exams, split into AS exams and A2 exams
                                                  1. New Labour
                                                    1. Tomlison argues the 'new vocationalism' has been built on by more recent New Labour governments
                                                  2. Background information
                                                    1. New Right influenced the New Labour government elected in 1997
                                                      1. Policies begun by the conservative were continued eg. specialist schools
                                                        1. Specialist schools were encouraged to specialize in certain subjects
                                                          1. Aim was to encourage choice, competition and raise standards
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