Nutrient Basics


Nutrient Basics
Mind Map by nkapps11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nkapps11 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Nutrient Basics
  1. Where do we get nutrients?
    1. We get nutrients from the food we eat
      1. Foods fuels our body
        1. In order to properly fuel our body we must eat the right foods
    2. Why do we need nutrients?
      1. Fuel our energy
        1. Help you grow
          1. Repair our body
            1. Maintain basic bodily functions
            2. What are the 6 essential nutrients?
              1. water
                1. most basic nutrient and most important
                  1. your body can't survive without water
                2. carbohydrates
                  1. protein
                    1. most people get plenty of
                      1. provides energy
                        1. repair body tissues
                        2. fat
                          1. Need healthy fat so your brain can work well
                          2. vitamins
                            1. break down and release energy
                            2. minerals
                            3. Two types of carbohydrates
                              1. simple
                                1. high in calories
                                  1. low in nutritional value
                                    1. have vitamins and fiber
                                    2. complex
                                      1. excellent soucre of energy
                                        1. rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber
                                        2. An ideal source of energy
                                          1. easily converted into glucose
                                        3. Fiber
                                          1. Aids in digestion and elimintion
                                            1. reduces risk of heart disease
                                              1. promotes regularity
                                                1. indegestable but promotes digeston
                                                2. amino acids
                                                  1. 20 total amino acids
                                                    1. 9 essential amino acids
                                                  2. fats (continued)
                                                    1. helps you grow and provides healthy skin
                                                      1. enhances taste of food
                                                        1. provide energy
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