EOC: ? points!


Study Guide for EOC
Christina Calvil
Mind Map by Christina Calvil, updated more than 1 year ago
Christina Calvil
Created by Christina Calvil over 9 years ago

Resource summary

EOC: ? points!
  1. Category 1 (24 points)
    1. 6 MC ?s
      1. Short Answer Response
        1. APE: answer, proof, explain
      2. Category 2 (11 points)
        1. Literary Text: 11 MC ?s
        2. Category 3 (11 points)
          1. Informational Text: 11 MC ?s
          2. Category 4
            1. Expository Essay (24 points)
              1. Intro. (H, T), BP1 (TEE), BP 2 (TEE), Concl. (S)
            2. Category 5 (11 points)
              1. Revising : 11 MC ?s
              2. Category 6 (11 points)
                1. Editing : 11 MC ?s
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