

quarter 2 mind map
Rafe Morrison
Mind Map by Rafe Morrison, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafe Morrison
Created by Rafe Morrison over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Charaters
    1. March
      1. Brave/Trustful
      2. Jules
        1. Mean/Serious
        2. Alfi
          1. Sneaky/Smart
        3. Setting
          1. present day in Amsterdam
          2. Main Confilc
            1. Conflict - The conflict in the book is that March has to go find his twin sister that he didn't know he had. After they find each other they go on a hunt to find some moonstones that someone stole and they have to get them back and put it back in the museum. All before their 13th birthday when the curse is set to take their life.
            2. Theme
              1. The theme of the book is March and Jules and their friends are going to find the moon stones and put them in the museums
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