The Son of Neptune


Lena Monahan's mind map for The Son of Neptune
Mind Map by kalena.monahan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kalena.monahan about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Son of Neptune
  1. Settings
    1. Camp Jupiter
      1. North America
      2. Characters
        1. Percy
          1. control water
            1. son of Neptune
            2. Hazel
              1. daughter of Pluto
                1. Cursed
                2. Frank
                  1. son of Mars
                    1. Shape-shifter
                  2. Main Conflict
                    1. Defeat Gaea and Alyconeus
                      1. Save Thanatos
                      2. Theme
                        1. Friendship
                          1. good versus evil
                            1. courage and bravery
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