Juveniles + ASBOs


Mind Map on Juveniles + ASBOs, created by Chris Harper on 09/04/2013.
Chris Harper
Mind Map by Chris Harper, updated more than 1 year ago
Chris Harper
Created by Chris Harper over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Juveniles + ASBOs
  1. Refers to those under 18
    1. Children under 10 have no reached the age of criminailty
      1. Youth Courts
        1. Cannot try difficult cases e.g Murder
          1. Can impose community punishment, absolute or conditional charges
            1. Most first offenders get given a 'refferal order'
              1. Work with a youth offender panel to sign a contract to prevent re-offending
              2. Detention and training order
                1. Four months to two years, half in custody and other supervised in community
                2. Parenting Order
                  1. A parent must attend counselling and guidence sessions
                  2. Cannot try serious cases but if they think the punishment is enough then they can sort it in youth courts
                  3. Section 47 of the Children and Young Person act lets 'bona fide representives of newspapers' attend youth court
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