4. Ss-IA Rel


draft 2
Mind Map by tt1dang, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by tt1dang about 9 years ago
Copied by tt1dang about 9 years ago

Resource summary

4. Ss-IA Rel
  1. Importance/Effect of Ss-IA Rel.
    1. Aspiration
      1. Especially info channel
        1. IA Roles/Responsibilities
          1. Assessing quality of IA Role
        2. Development of Ss-IA Rel
          1. Social network & minority youth (barriers, socialization of this rel)
            1. HSO/ISO (Culturalization/Socialization of HSO)
              1. Capacity building for Ss-IA Development
                1. 6 forms of institutional support
                  1. Scorecard principles
                2. 3. IMMIG ELL Ss
                  1. Acculturation definitions
                    1. Assimilation Models
                      1. Classic models
                        1. Segmented Assim
                        2. Immig ELL Ss Coll Access
                          1. Cultural Factors
                            1. Challenges
                              1. Learning styles
                                1. Parents dont know process
                                  1. Multiple roles/responsibilities in home
                                  2. Protective factors
                                    1. Co-ethnic comm
                                      1. Chain migration
                                      2. Cultural capital
                                        1. Dual frames of reference
                                          1. Capital related to parents
                                            1. Selective assimilation (strict parenting)
                                          2. Extended family
                                        2. Structural Factors
                                          1. Barriers
                                            1. Interventions/Programs
                                          2. 1. COLLEGE CHOICE
                                            1. cc perspectives (why ss go)
                                              1. Socio (status attainment)
                                                1. Econ (rational)
                                                  1. Combined
                                                    1. Criticize these perspectives (based on Immig ELL col access factors)


                                                      • GAP
                                                    2. Traditional cc models (what the process is like)
                                                      1. Litten
                                                        1. Jackson
                                                          1. Chapman
                                                            1. Hossler
                                                              1. Shortcomings of trad models
                                                                1. More inclusive model (considerations for nontrad/minority Ss)


                                                                  • GAP
                                                              2. 2. COLLEGE ACCESS (low SES, 1st genc olleger)
                                                                1. Academic
                                                                  1. Aspirations
                                                                    1. Peer influence
                                                                      1. Cost
                                                                        1. Lack of info
                                                                          1. FAFSA/Scholarships
                                                                            1. Process/Options
                                                                              1. Digital divide
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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