

Customer Experience
Mind Map by harish.nathani, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by harish.nathani about 9 years ago
Copied by harish.nathani about 9 years ago
Copied by harish.nathani about 9 years ago
Copied by harish.nathani about 9 years ago

Resource summary



  • Test
  1. Smart
    1. Expertise
      1. Demonstrate Knowledge
        1. Bring an outside perspective (Whitepapers, Other clients, ZS practice areas)
          1. Be knowledgeable and aware of latest happening's in client's world
            1. *Share insights from KOLs
            2. Provide effective and creative solutions
          2. Valued
            1. Empathy
              1. Listen actively and respond proactively
                1. Try to meet in person
                  1. Regular one-on-one meetings
                    1. Take Clients out for lunch
                    2. Respect individual viewpoints
                      1. Let the client drive agenda in one-on-one meetings
                      2. Act in clients best interests
                        1. Be flexible with change request
                          1. Planning together with client (even in case of constant changes)
                            1. Regularly share ideas on how to save budget
                              1. *Talk out of doing unnecessary work
                          2. Confident
                            1. Trustworthy
                              1. Provide Superior quality
                                1. Provide accurate information
                                  1. Well thought through, concise but complete analysis
                                    1. Project confidence
                                      1. Be approachable: positive attitude, smiles
                                        1. Dress one level above client
                                          1. Comfortable talking to the client
                                          2. Impactful story telling (along with client)
                                            1. *Use metaphors to explain complicated analytics/concepts
                                              1. Strategic approach: Executive summary; No data dumps
                                                1. Create impactful slides; slide with more white space;
                                              2. Be organized, timely and transparent
                                                1. Be prompt: Meeting notes, email replies, phone calls (over communicate)
                                                  1. Regular communication: Interim updates between meetings, regular weekly calls
                                                    1. Open communication: ZS expertise (what we are good at and where other vendors could be better)
                                                      1. Early and transparent communication on scope/cost/timeline implications
                                                        1. Be on time and prepared for meetings
                                                          1. Be efficient with time (and give time back if possible)
                                                            1. Keep client's educated with what's happening within their organization
                                                              1. Anticipate client's questions before meeting and answer proactively
                                                          2. Empowered
                                                            1. Collaborative
                                                              1. Provide a strategic, holistic long-term perspective
                                                                1. Discuss organization and client's priorities
                                                                  1. Solicit input on client objectives, long-term planning and review overall engagement outcomes
                                                                    1. Proactively seek feedback on ZS performance
                                                                    2. Help clients create and own the idea/solution
                                                                      1. Create communication ready presentations for internal audience
                                                                        1. Gather client ideas before finalizing the results
                                                                          1. Provide previews before meeting; preview call to provide confidence
                                                                            1. Have client co-present
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