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A Streetcar Named Desire: Themes
Mind Map on A Streetcar Named Desire: Themes, created by Maria Oliver1405 on 23/12/2015.
Mind Map by
Maria Oliver1405
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Maria Oliver1405
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
A Streetcar Named Desire: Themes
Plantations, slavery/inequality
Poetry, literature and music
Decay and Death
Houses are white-framed, weathered and grey
Cavaliers and cotton fields
Elysian Fields and New Orleans
Industrial, cosmopolitan
Streetcar: driving force through play
American Dream: opportunities for all
New Orleans
Stanley and Stella
Obsessive thoughts
Dreams of being "buried at sea sewn up in a white sack" 85
Assertion of sexuality to younger men in the hope to avoid ageing and relive girlhood
Death of family members
"I,I took the blows in my face and body! All of those deaths! The long parade to the graveyard!"
Suicide of young husband
Inscription on Mitch cigarette case/Mexican florist
Blanche: "They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at-Elysian Fields"
Survival of the Fittest
Stanley represents brute animal force
Unrefined manhood
Carries bowling jacket and red-stained package from Butcher
"Animal joy in his being is implicit in his movements and attitudes"
Survives by mixing DuBois blood with common stock of Kowalski
Old south can only live on in a diluted bastardised form
"I can't be alone!"1
Tries to resolve loneliness in sexual affairs with strangers
Romance vs. Realism
Blanche cannot tolerate bond between Stella and Stanley
Blanche is romantic vs. Stanley the realist
Blanche wants realism not magic: seeks to manipulate reality until it is what she wants it to be
Fantasy and Illusion
Dwells in illusion, fantasy is her primary means of self defence
Fantasy protects her from tragedies she has to endure
"A women's charm is 50% illusion" SC2
Desire vs. Fate
Desire caused Blanche to be driven out of old world/life
Desire also Blanche's undoing-cant find a way of dealing with natural urges
Physical Desire at heart of Stella and Stanley relationship
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