Reluctant to associate with old,
negative stereo types - 1970s!
"The person is political"
Hindrance to modern feminism! ^
"By hanging on the this stereotype, feminism loses out twice"
Katherine Viner (1999)
Many aspects of women's lives remain political
Women are judged more harshly than men - ("slag" vs "stud")
Stereo type (Walter) associated with
dogmatic women who tried to tell others
how to live their personal lives
The stereo type is both unfair & inaccurate!!
"The person is political' was meant to
create an awareness of how our personal
lives are ruled by politcal factors
Germaine Greer
"Aiming for equality with
men is simply not enough"
Liberal Feminism
Despite equality
legislation - women
still face oppression in
their personal lives
"Equality legislation could not
give me the right to have broad
hips or hairy thighs, to be at
ease with my woman's body"
Men can also suffer
oppression - custody trials
"Women should be
aiming for a feminism
based upon 'liberation'
rather than 'equality'
"The notion of equality takes the
male status quo as the condition
to which women aspire"
Imelda Whelehan
Critical of Walter!
"Walter's optimism for the future is
infectious, it is just regrettable that the
feminism of the future is being built upon a
certain amnesia about the past"
Ideas of "choice" & "control" -
women do not have control!
Popular culture! :(
Page 3 models?
Within Walter's feminism "the only
possible aim is equality within patriarchy"