Development of embryo and foetus


Child Development
Mind Map by bethblythe14, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lauren Thrower
Created by Lauren Thrower about 9 years ago
Copied by bethblythe14 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Development of embryo and foetus
  1. 3 weeks
    1. Develops blood, bone and muscle
      1. Heart starts beating
        1. About 4-6mm long
        2. 8 weeks
          1. Main organs are developing
            1. Limbs, hands and feet are forming
              1. About 2.2cm long
              2. 20 weeks
                1. Heartbeat can be heard
                  1. About 25cm long
                    1. Weighs around 350-400g
                    2. 28 weeks
                      1. Lanugo starts to grow
                        1. Weighs around 900g
                          1. About 38cm long
                          2. 40 weeks
                            1. Lanugo usually disappears
                              1. Weighs around 3-3.5kg
                                1. About 50-55cm long
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