"from rags to
riches, from
dishwasher to
many immigrants
believed that they would
have a better life in the US
believed that everyone could
become successful if he / she
just worked hard enough
the American Dream
includes liberty, justice
and pursuit of happiness
Impact of the two World
Wars on immigration? How
did the Congress react?
two World Wars: the
influx of immigration was
brought to a halt
Congress passed stricter
immigration laws
Changes in US immigration
policy after the late 60s
government dropped
racially based quotas
government favoured
immigration from Third
World nations
number of coloured immigrants
has increased considerably
Most important facts about
immigration today (focus:
Hispanic and Asian immigration)
today: over 52 million
Hispanics in the US
represent the fastest growing
population group
growing force is no longer immigration,
but an increased number of births
Chinese came towards the
end of the 19th century
many prejudices (e.g. take away jobs)
anti-Chinese riots in 1880
for about 50 years: Chinese were seen as a
danger; strict limitations on living in the US
From 1952: flow from the Far East increased
1970s: many came as refugees after the end of
Vietnam war
today: about 18
million people with
Asian descend
one of the most successful
of all immigrant groups
higher income
children study at
best universities
Controversial attitudes
towards immigration to the US
early days
most immigrants were welcomed
because they contributed to the
success of the country
2/3 would like to reduce immigration, but they
also think that legal immigration is not bad
others complain about costs, crime and diseases
and about the burdens on schools and welfare rolls
the fast success of many immigrants leads to envy,
resentment, growing discrimination and even hostility and
violence against newcomers
"Salad Bowl" / "Melting Pot"
number of coloured immigrants has risen
considerably when the government dropped
racially based quotas on immigration
"Browning of America"
not all non-Europeans
want to assimilate
stick to their
traditions, language...
Latinos have their own
theatres, cinemas, TV
channels, restaurants...
salad bowl: combination of many cultures, living and
working together, each distinct and seperate. They
have not melted together, so there's no "melting pot"
Current tendencies
of illegal immigration
increased drastically in the last decades
particularly Mexicans who cross the Rio Grande
about 11.5 million foreign nationals live in
the US without the necessary documents
many enter legally (e.g. tourists) and
don't leave when the visas expire