transportation and
service corridors
(incl. power lines)
human intrusions and
disturbances (eg war,
hikers etc)
natural systems
modifications (dams,
fire regimes, etc)
natural drivers (still
exacerbated by
geological events
other threats (eg meteors)
to maintain current human
population at current
standard of living we need the
resources of 1.4 earths; yet
people keep breeding and still
aspire to a higher standard of
life history
large, K-selected spp more at risk from deterministic
extinction (declining population paradigm) because they
are not able to handle extra mortality
small, r-selected spp more at risk from small population
paradigm (stochastic extinction) cause they are subjuect to
large popuklation fluctuations so can fall into extinction
vortex if N is too small
taxon cycle (spp have a "life-cycle"
vs younger plants more at risk of
specialists at risk (diets and habitats), spp
that need multiple habitats to complete
their life histories (eg migrants)
close mutalisms (e.g.
replying on a single
extinction cascades:
loss of a keystone spp
can trigger extinctions
of dependent spp
allee effect: an individuals fitness suffers at low population
densities. eg to breed (passenger pigeons) to hunt in packs (wild
dogs). spp that aggregate are more susceptible to extinciton