
Using P.E.R.V.E.R.T to describe the factors affecting which method you use
Phoebe Fletcher
Mind Map by Phoebe Fletcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Phoebe Fletcher
Created by Phoebe Fletcher over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Practical
    1. How much;
      1. Time
        1. Cost
          1. Access
            1. Travel time/cost
            2. For example;
              1. Not practical to give children/elderly a questionaire


                • Because they cant read/see/understand the questions
                1. Attention span of sample


                  • Young children will have a small attention span, so a long formal interview probably is not the best option
                  1. It can be too dangerous to do certain methods for certain situations


                    • e.g it may be to dangerous to interview a street gang
                    1. Some people may be defensive in formal situations


                      • so they may not give you the whole truth
                  2. Ethics
                    1. Whether it is morally/socially acceptable to do
                      1. Do not harm your subjects
                        1. Consent
                          1. The method used may not give informed consent


                            • e.g a child can not give informed consent, they are not aware enough.
                          2. Confidnetiality
                            1. You must not make it clear who the subject is


                              • anonymise your infomation
                              1. Do not inform others what the subject has told you
                              2. Consequences
                                1. Question whether the subject could get hurt from you using one method


                                  • you could hurt the person mentally, or lead them to getting physically hurt
                                  1. Is it too intrusive?
                                  2. Give people a range to hide in
                                    1. Is the subject to sensitive?
                                    2. Reliability
                                      1. Can another researcher do your experiment getting the same results
                                        1. Structured questionaires are a good method for reliability


                                          • Exactly the same questions, with no changing and the same subject should lead to the same results
                                          1. Crime stats are generally reliable


                                            • easy to compare you can find them in the public domain (no ethical issues)
                                          2. Validity
                                            1. Is it true?
                                              1. Are you likely to get the truth?
                                              2. You are likely to get the truth in participant observation


                                                • More likely to get the truth in the subjects 'natural' setting than in a formal interview setting
                                                1. Is you go natural to find how people normally act, how will your presence affect the way people act?
                                                  1. Secondary data is not valid as it is socially constructive


                                                    • e.g in catholic countries families will cover up sucides as accidents, to save the deceased 'face'
                                                  2. Examples
                                                    1. Always use an example, to explain or illustrate your point.
                                                    2. Representativeness
                                                      1. Is this method likely to produce results that can be generalized?
                                                        1. e.g Large-scale more likely to be representative, but small-scale is more likely to provide valuable insights
                                                        2. Theoretical
                                                          1. Is the method more likely to produce value-free objective information?
                                                            1. Is the suggested method more associated with positivists or interpretivists?
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