Corporate Identity


Company Law Mind Map on Corporate Identity, created by 40055097 on 09/12/2013.
Mind Map by 40055097, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 40055097 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Corporate Identity
  1. The Big Three
    1. Salomon v A. Salomon & Co
      1. Contract with himself
      2. Lee v Lee's Air Farming
        1. Sued company for own death
          1. Could not employ himself
          2. McAura v Nothern Assurance
            1. Firewood
          3. Piercing the Veil
            1. Gilford Motor v Horne
              1. getting round restrictive convenant not allowed
              2. Daimler v Continental Tyre
                1. Warzone
                2. DHN Food
                  1. Lord Denning
                    1. Regard group of companie as one
                    2. Compensation
                    3. Woolfson v Strathclyde
                      1. 'facade concealing the true facts'
                        1. Tried to claim more compensation by connectin companies
                        2. Suing the Holding Company
                          1. Adams v Cape
                            1. Could not
                            2. Re Southard & Co
                              1. Not responsible
                              2. Chandler v Cape
                                1. Successful
                                  1. NOT piercing the veil
                                2. Yukong v Rendsberg
                                  1. Shipping Captain not party to contract
                                    1. Shadow director
                                    2. Would not peirce the veil
                                    3. Kensington v Congo
                                      1. Avioding payment
                                      2. Trustor AB v Smallbone
                                        1. Civil grounds
                                          1. Accountant hiding money
                                          2. Petrodel v Prest
                                            1. NOT pierced
                                              1. Significant rulings
                                              2. Naxos v Project Management
                                                1. Copyright
                                                2. Statute
                                                  1. Company Directors Disqualification Act
                                                    1. Insolvency Act
                                                      1. s212
                                                        1. Misfeasance
                                                          1. DKG Contractors
                                                        2. s213
                                                          1. Fraudulent Trading
                                                          2. s 214
                                                            1. Wrongful Trading
                                                              1. Produce Marketing
                                                            2. s 216
                                                              1. Phoenix trading
                                                                1. Buttercup Margarine
                                                        3. Criminal Liability
                                                          1. Tesco v Natrass
                                                            1. company not liable
                                                              1. marketed propotion did not exit
                                                              2. Ready Mixed Concrete
                                                                1. Smoking unauthorised
                                                                  1. Company still liable
                                                                    1. Steps to prevent
                                                                2. Death
                                                                  1. R v OLL
                                                                    1. Canoeing School
                                                                      1. Admitted compnay liabilty
                                                                      2. Transco v HMA
                                                                        1. Gas leak
                                                                          1. no mens rea
                                                                          2. Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act
                                                                            1. Company owes duty of care
                                                                              1. s2
                                                                              2. sanctions
                                                                                1. remedial order
                                                                                  1. s8
                                                                                  2. Publicity Order
                                                                                    1. s10
                                                                                  3. R v Eaton & Cotswold
                                                                                    1. Fined for death
                                                                                      1. Went bust
                                                                                      2. Pit death
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                                                                                Incorporation Practicalities
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                                                                                Company Secretary
                                                                                Die Vision
                                                                                Isabella Stoiber
                                                                                Directors - Liquidated Companies
                                                                                Books of Record
                                                                                Securities and Loans
                                                                                Meetings, Disclosure