A reflective account of my learning & professional development arising from placement


Mind Map on A reflective account of my learning & professional development arising from placement, created by candypitt on 10/04/2013.
Mind Map by candypitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by candypitt over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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  1. LO1 - Demonstrate understanding of the nature of learning & teaching achieved on placement
    1. Articulate my learning & development
      1. Pathfinder & Single plan
        1. Giving children & young people a voice
        2. Visual IEP's H.P and Video's meeting at Hillside
        3. Analyse whether I have achieved intended learning, ref to EV502, what else have I learned, what unexpected learning has taken place
          1. Ref to CP 2 - seeing single plans in action
            1. Observing learning taking place at meetings, Amex day,home,school visits
            2. Link learning to learning needs audit - Pd/CPD
              1. Audit - SEND pupils access to learning through personalised learning strategies
              2. How does learning differ in an informal setting or non - mainstream
                1. Discuss the attitude of special schools in relation to mainstream
                  1. Home visits
                    1. School visits - mainstream & special schools
                      1. Amaze
                        1. Day at the Amex pupil/young people's voice
                      2. LO2 - Demonstrate learning in relation to issues of professional engagement on placement & challenges of working with other professionals
                        1. Changes in my own professional identity
                          1. Do I feel the same about techer role?
                            1. The contribution of other professionals to learning and development
                              1. Professionals communicating with each other.
                                1. Ed Psych meeting/SENCo/Health,social,ed meeting
                                2. Limitations & challenges with multi-agencies or inter -professional
                                  1. Positive impact of working alongside other professionals
                                  2. LO3 - Reflection on & evaluation of implications for learners and for my own professional role & identity, arising from placement
                                    1. Identify areas of learning, impact on future prof development
                                      1. Ways to consider developing
                                        1. The persuit of:SENCo, pastoral,inclusive school environment,more SEND in mainstream, BDA cert in schools
                                      2. Links to 2012 standards
                                        1. Reflection on group work & identify changes needed
                                          1. How has reflection contributed to my learning & prof development
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