Social Work BSc - Evidence Based Practice - Harmful Sexual Behaviour


BSc (Hons) Social Work Mind Map on Social Work BSc - Evidence Based Practice - Harmful Sexual Behaviour, created by laurabullerwell on 09/12/2013.
Mind Map by laurabullerwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurabullerwell almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social Work BSc - Evidence Based Practice - Harmful Sexual Behaviour
  1. Holistic assessment
    1. YOT - ASSET
    2. Labels
      1. moving on
        1. Lifelong impact
        2. positive and negative consequences
          1. accessing services
            1. social control
              1. helps professionals and service user understand the issue clearer
              2. label theory
                1. self fulfilling prophecy
                  1. becker 1973
                  2. social construct of issues / lifestyles
                    1. service user - worker - wider community
                  3. Difference in male / female offender
                    1. Taith services
                      1. greater sociatal pressure
                        1. society - minimize behaviour and impact
                          1. denial
                          2. Overly punitive due to female sexuality being "restrained"
                          3. children and YP who sexually abuse others, erooga & masson - scott, telford chapter 12
                          4. Difference between adult / child offender
                            1. What it means if denial is present?
                              1. Victim empathy
                              2. Workers attitude / approach to HSB
                                1. Societal view
                                  1. manualised approach
                                    1. child centred approach
                                    2. Significant academics
                                      1. Simon Hackett
                                        1. Helen Masson
                                        2. Use research critically and effectively to sustain and develop an evidence based approach to their practice
                                          1. •Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application to social work of research, theory and knowledge from sociology, social policy, psychology and health
                                            1. •Demonstrate a critical knowledge of the range of theories and models for social work intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities, and the methods derived from them
                                              1. Demonstrate a capacity for logical, systematic, critical and reflective reasoning and apply the theories and techniques of reflective practice
                                              2. Research, analyse, evaluate and use current knowledge of best social work practice
                                                1. •Recognise the contribution, and begin to make use, of research to inform practice
                                                  1. •Demonstrate a critical understanding of research methods
                                                  2. Describe and critically explore the current state of knowledge about your topic and its application to practice.
                                                    1. Robbies advice article
                                                      1. 1 The question
                                                        1. Why is EBP significant and to who?
                                                          1. policy which influences stance for EBP - Munro (2008)
                                                          2. Ethics
                                                            1. HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics (2012) - conflicts within ethics on this subject?
                                                            2. find position on topic through evaluation and analysis
                                                            3. 3 Planning
                                                              1. 1. introduction - why and how the topic has become an ‘object for thought’ and debate relevant to social work. b. The different ways that it is currently framed by academics and policy-makers. Draw out the theoretical perspective that orients each c. The argument you will make in evaluating and synthesising these perspectives d. How you will argue this e. the pratical and ethical stakes for the argument
                                                                1. 2. the different authoritative positions on the issue a. What assumptions are present in the key terms? construct validity of key terms? b. Ensure that your written ‘voice’ does not become lost when summarising other people by using qualifying terms such as ‘convincing’
                                                                  1. 3. evaluate the relative validity of these positions. a. What evidence they present, and how strong it is. b. What concepts they use, and how precise and useful these concepts are. c. evidence or policy that points in a new directions beyond the established positions. d. experiences of service-users?
                                                                    1. 4. a. synthesise the perspectives and evidence you have considered. draw a conclusion about the key causal factors, and use these to make a direct answer to the question and address the learning outcomes. b. a diagram showing your synthesis of the perspectives and theory c. use this to write a strong introduction
                                                                      1. 8. A final point of the plan (which will be the conclusion) should draw out the concrete implications of your position. If you are right, then what? What further research might be helpful on the topic? In the conclusion, also note to the reader (and here you can use ‘I’ rather than ‘this essay’) how the reading you have done on this topic has shifted your ways of approaching things.
                                                                      2. 2 structure
                                                                        1. Plan to make every step of assignment cumalitive
                                                                        2. 4 Writing
                                                                          1. 1. Paragraphs should make a single key point a. 4-8 sentences in each paragraph. b. first sentence should present the central idea and make link to the point made in the previous paragraph c. The next should add to the first idea – presenting evidence or further explanation concerning reasons or mechanisms for processes, d. The paragraph should close with a line to clinch the point, drawing things together and helping your argument flow between the paragraphs.
                                                                            1. 5. When you are finished, print off a copy, and read it through aloud with a pen in hand. Look for errors in your writing, but also in the logical flow of your argument. Then make changes to the essay. Next, send the essay to someone to proof-read before you submit it.
                                                                              1. 2. Link your account to relevant theory, an explanation which looks at particular cases in the context of wider patterns
                                                                                1. 3. When making evidence based arguments, 1) who did the research, 2) what evidence they offer in favour of their conclusion, 3) how this evidence makes a contribution 4) the implications of these findings for your argument
                                                                                  1. 4. The more analytical you can be throughout the higher the marks you will achieve.
                                                                                2. National Childrens Home report 1992
                                                                                  1. pathways to sexually abusive behaviour
                                                                                    1. Link between abuse/neglect and harmful sexual behaviour
                                                                                      1. should child be seen as a victim or abuser?
                                                                                        1. "theraputic" - s.u. agenda / "educational" - practicioners agenda (miller and Rollnick, 1991, motivation interviewing, preparing people to change)
                                                                                          1. level of HSB = intervention type
                                                                                            1. who decides appropriate intervention?
                                                                                              1. age make a difference?
                                                                                                1. under the age of criminal responsibility
                                                                                                  1. decisive risk management vs. long term thereputic pyschoanalysis
                                                                                                    1. NSPCC treatment acknowledges the s.u. has abused but this is because they are a victim
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