Cell Biology 1 Cell Structure


National 5 Biology (National 5 Unit 1 Cell Biology ) Mind Map on Cell Biology 1 Cell Structure, created by Chelsea Buchan on 07/01/2016.
Chelsea Buchan
Mind Map by Chelsea Buchan, updated more than 1 year ago
Chelsea Buchan
Created by Chelsea Buchan about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cell Biology 1 Cell Structure
  1. Cell Structure
    1. Animal Cell
      1. Ribosomes
        1. Nucleus
          1. Mitochondria
            1. Cell Membrane
            2. Plant Cell
              1. Mitochondria
                1. Cell Wall
                  1. Vacuole
                    1. Nucleus
                      1. Cell Membrane
                        1. Chloroplast
                          1. Ribosome
                          2. Bacterium
                            1. Cell Membrane
                              1. Ribosomes
                                1. Plasmid
                                  1. Cell Wall
                                    1. Circular Chromosome (DNA)
                                    2. Fungus
                                      1. Mitochondria
                                        1. Ribosomes
                                          1. Cell Membrane
                                            1. Cell Wall
                                              1. Nucleus
                                                1. Vacuole
                                                  1. Bud
                                                2. Cell Function
                                                  1. Nucleus
                                                    1. Contains DNA, Controls all the cell activities
                                                    2. Cell Membrane
                                                      1. Controls what enters and exits the cell
                                                      2. Cell Wall
                                                        1. Provides support
                                                        2. Mitochondria
                                                          1. Site of AEROBIC respiration (provides energy)
                                                          2. Ribosomes
                                                            1. Site of protein synthesis
                                                            2. Vacuole
                                                              1. Stores cell sap
                                                              2. Chloroplast
                                                                1. Site of photosynthesis
                                                                2. Plasmid
                                                                  1. Extra piece of DNA
                                                                  2. Cytoplasm
                                                                    1. Site of Chemical reactions
                                                                  3. Cell Membrane Structure
                                                                    1. Double layer of Phospholipids
                                                                      1. Proteins floating between them
                                                                      2. NOT rigid , its a FLUID structure
                                                                        1. Due to the Proteins and Phospholipids always moving
                                                                        2. Selectively Permeable
                                                                          1. Allows some substances to pass through but not others
                                                                            1. Small soluble molecules can pass through, large insoluble ones can't
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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