- measurement and
description: developiing
ways and techniques that
make it possible to describe
behaviour clearly and
- unserstanding and
prediction: using
hypothesis, which is a
tentative statement about
the relationship between
two or more variables.
- scientists use theories to
better understand
concepts. theories are
systems of interrelated
ideas are used to explain a
set of observations.
2) Steps in Scientific Investigation
- scientific investigations are systematic
- step 1 - translate a theory into testable material
-step 2 -figure out how to put the hypothesis ti the test
-step 3 - collect data
-step 4- observations are converted to numbers to constitute the data.
step 5 - publication of research results
3) Advantages of the Scientific Approach
-scientific approach offers 2 major approach .
the first is its clarity and precision
-the second is the greatest advantage which refers to the relative intolerance of error.
2) Looking for Causes: Experimental Research
1) Independent and Dependant Variables
- an indépendant variable is a condition
or event that an expérimenter varies in
order to see its impact on another
dependant variable is thought to be
affected by manipulation of the
independent variable.
2) Experimental and Control Groups
-experimental groups of the
subjects who receive some
special treatment in regard
to the independent variable
3) Extraneous Variables
-extraneous variables are any variables
other than the independent that seem
likely to influence the dependant
variable in a specific
-a confounding of variables occur when 2
variables are linked together in a way that
makes it difficult to sort out their specific
4) Variables in Designing Experiments
first it is sometimes advantages to use only
one group of subjects who serve as their
control group
second, it is possible to manipulate more
than one independent variable in a single
5) Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental Research
experiment has limitations
never have control over proceedings, must construct simple, contrived
situations to test hypotheses
3) Looking for Links: Descriptive/Correlational Research
1) Naturalistic Observation
naturalistic observation a researcher engages in careful observation of
behaviour without intervening directly with the research subjects or
reactivity occurs when a subjects behaviour is altered by the presence of an observer
2) Case Studies
a case study is an in-depth investigation of an individual subject
-used to investigate certain phenomena, such as
psychology disorders and neuropsychological issue.
3) Surveys
survey research use questionnaires or interviews to gather
information about specific aspects of participants behaviour
major problem with surveys is that they depend on
self-report data
4) Advantages and Disadvantages of Descriptive/Correlational Research
statistics is the use of math to organize, summarize and interpret numerical data.
4) Looking for Conclusions: Statistics and Research
1) Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics are used to organize and summarize data.
5) Looking for Flaws: Evaluating Research
1) Meta-Analysis
a meta analysis is the combination of the statistics results of many studies of the same
question yielding an estimate of the size and consistency of a variables effects
checks the reality of a finding
2) Sampling Bias
a sample is the collection of subjects of selected for observation is an empirical study,
sampling bias exists when a sample is nit representative of the population.
3) Placebo Effects
placebo effect occur when participants
expectations lead them to experience
some change even though they receive
empty, fake, or ineffectual treatment.
4) Distortions in Self-Report Data
the social desirability bias, which is a
tendency to give socially approved
answers to questions about ones self
response set is a tendency to response to
question in a particular way that is unrelated
to the concept pf the question
5) Experimental Bias
experimenter bias occurs when a
researcher's expectations or
performances about the outcome of a
study influence the results obtained
6) Looking at Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Means?
1) Ethical Guidelines for Research in Psychology in Canada
ethical questions are often complex and the answers to such dilemmas aren't easy
psychologists have trhe right to protect the rights, privacy, personal liberty, and self-determination of others.
psychologists should take available measures to ensure that
their activities will benefit those with whom they intersect in a
professional capacity