Placental Mammals_1


Mind Map on Placental Mammals_1, created by sanisa2143 on 11/12/2013.
Mind Map by sanisa2143, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sanisa2143 almost 11 years ago
Copied by sanisa2143 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Placental Mammals_1
  1. Insectivores
    1. Insects
      1. Fly
        1. butterfly
          1. Ants
          2. Moles
            1. Pointed Nose
              1. Poor Eyesight
              2. Food
                1. Fish
                  1. worms
                    1. Frogs
                  2. Hedgehogs
                    1. Spines
                      1. Frogs
                        1. Berries
                        2. Nocturnal
                      2. Carnivores
                        1. Canine Teeth
                          1. Slicing Meat
                            1. Cats
                              1. Lion
                              2. Dogs
                                1. Coyotes
                                  1. Wolves
                                  2. Bears
                                2. Pinnipeds
                                  1. Oceans
                                    1. Fish-eating
                                      1. Seals
                                        1. Sea Lions
                                          1. Walruses
                                      2. Rodents
                                        1. Squirrels
                                          1. Mice
                                            1. Cheese
                                            2. Rats
                                              1. Porcupines
                                                1. Spikes
                                                2. Incisors
                                                  1. Chew
                                                3. Flying Mammals
                                                  1. Bats
                                                    1. Nocturnal
                                                      1. Food
                                                        1. Insects
                                                          1. Fruit or Plant Nectar
                                                            1. Blood
                                                            2. Only flying mammal
                                                          2. Hoofed Mammals
                                                            1. Horses
                                                              1. Pigs
                                                                1. Deer
                                                                  1. Rhinoceroses
                                                              2. Thick Hoofs
                                                                1. Covers a mammal's toe
                                                                2. Grind plants to eat
                                                                  1. Odd-toed
                                                                    1. Even-toed
                                                                  2. Cetaceans
                                                                    1. Whales
                                                                        1. Toothless
                                                                        2. Dolphins
                                                                          1. Porpoises
                                                                            1. Water
                                                                            2. Lungs
                                                                              1. Nurse Young
                                                                                1. Echolocation
                                                                                  1. Find fish and mammals
                                                                                    1. Clicking Noises
                                                                                      1. Echo back to them
                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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