mother is bale to abort her baby. is
she imprisioned from her views for 9
Joseph Selling
"being qualifies as a
person, then it has a moral
standard, with rights"
principle of agape
Joseph Fletcher (1960's. If a girl becomes pregnant
through rape, she should be allowed to
Fertility Treatment
BIBLE- Hannah Sam 1.7 "Lord closed her womb" so she couldn't conceive. She
prayed to God for a son then God gave her one and she named it Samuel.
Therefore christians believe that you should pray for a baby and not have
fertility treatment as if you pray you will get a child like Hannah
AIH- artificial insemination by husband. Includes 2 people.
AID- artificial insemination by donor. Includes 3 people
which some christians call mechanical adultery. IVF in-vitro
fertilisation. Where the foetus is made in a glass. AIG-
artificial insemination by God. This is what christians say
Jesus was and he was brought up by someone who wasn't
his father as he was the son of God.
It is still illegal to assist someone to commit suicide.
Daniel James. who was paralysed in a game of
rugby. He hated his life that much that he wanted
to be dead. He tried several ways like pushing his
wheelchair in the middle of the road so someone
will run him over. Finally his parents brought him
a ticket to go to dignitias which is a company that
helps you to comment suicide. It is in Sweden
where it is legal.
In medieval times if you committed suicide then
you weren't allowed a funeral.
You would have been beheaded and told you
were going to hell.
In modern day the family are no
longer rejected but supported by
counselling. Funerals are allowed
and nice things are said about the
The Bible is against
suicide as it breaks 1 of
the 10 commandments
"do not kill"
Suicide was legalised in 1961. Before you were arrest
and sentenced to the mental health clinic.
Passive Euthanasia. This is when a person is helping someone by ending
there life a they have no quality of life.
For example, Tony Brand. he was brain dead and doctors turned of his
life support machine.
Jeremain 29:11 "for i know the plans i have for you, says the Lord. Plans
for a bright future"
This is saying that God has plans for you and he will decide when you di.
Dignitas is company in Sweden where they assist suicide as it is legal there.
over 300 brits have gone there to end their
They charge 4000 euro for assisted suicide.
Christians disagree with ending your life via suicide and being in control of it as it goes against
Gods plans for you.
Christians believe that you may get cured from the
problem you are facing.
Paeder Clarke. He was dying of cancer, when he saw a
vision of Mary and then after that he was cured.
This is when thing such as bone marrow and tissue are
made to help someone.
when another person is made (test tube baby)
Savour Sibling. This is when people have babies have children for healthy
organs if they are needed late in the future or now for another sibling