Star Wars


Episodes IV-VI --> What was it like for people watching these movies in the '70s? Episodes I-III Episode VII --> Why is Star Wars so relevant in today's pop-culture?
Mind Map by claire4k9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claire4k9 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Star Wars
  1. Hans Solo
    1. Chewbacca
      1. tall, beast
      2. Leia (Princess & General)
        1. Luke Skywalker
          1. Darth Vader
            1. The Emperor
              1. Yoda
                1. Jedi Master
                  1. Grammar
                  2. Father
                    1. Villain
                      1. Breathing
                        1. Red and Black
                        2. Troubled
                          1. Misunderstood
                            1. Confused
                      2. humble
                        1. farmer
                          1. protagonist
                      3. sex slave
                        1. beautiful
                          1. stubborn
                            1. brave
                        2. Millenium Falcon
                          1. cowboy
                          2. The Force
                            1. Jedi Knight
                              1. Sith Lord
                                1. Light vs. Dark
                                  1. Religion
                                    1. Energy that is all around us
                                    2. The Rebellion
                                      1. The Empire
                                        1. Action scenes with fighting and death
                                          1. lightsabers
                                          2. Obi-Wan Kanobi
                                            1. intergalactic trade
                                              1. cooperation
                                              2. Love & War
                                                1. John Williams theme music
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