Agency Theory Evaluation


Psychology (Agency Theory) Mind Map on Agency Theory Evaluation, created by pmfisher1996 on 11/04/2013.
Mind Map by pmfisher1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pmfisher1996 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Agency Theory Evaluation
  1. The theory is supported by Milgrams research when he showed that 65% of ordinary people would obey an authority figure
    1. However, Milgrams study lacks ecological validity as the task of giving electric shocks to a stranger is not something people encounter in normal life
      1. Supported by Hoflings findings on obedience of nurses where 95% obeyed
        1. Has application to real life i.e. used to explain the destructive obedience of soldiers during war
          1. Does not explain why some individuals obey and others don't (indivisual differences in obedience)
            1. Disobedience of some can be explained by their personality so suggesting that the causes of obedience are more complex than the theory suggests
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