
mind map
Mind Map by carlyjanethornto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carlyjanethornto about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Inquiry
    1. social studies
      1. Historical ways of thinking
        1. evidence and intepretation


          • Inquiry in a kindergarden classroom- Kids are in charge of their own learning, teachers facilitates and answers questions. Usually stations are involved, students have free exploration times, similar to play based learning. 
          1. Historical perspective


            • Taking on someone else's perspective to understand history.  Taking on the past to understand the present. 
            1. historical significance


              • Determining whether or not an event, person, or development has significant value. Different guidelines for determining, give students tools to determine and understand significance. * What is significant to one group of people is not necessarily significant to others. Global, national, regional, individual. 
              1. continuity and change


                • I focussed on teaching social studies to students with visual and hearing impairments, I looked at different strategies and resources available. Using visuals is great way to teach students about continuity and change who are hearing impaired. Provide recorded tapes for students who are visually impaired to take home and listen too. Students sometimes misunderstand history as a list of events. Once they start to understand history as a complex mix of continuity and change, they reach a fundamentally different sense of the past.
                1. cause and consequence


                  • In examining both tragedies and accomplishments in the past, we are usually interested in the questions of how and why. These questions start the search for causes: what were the actions, beliefs, and circumstances that led to these consequences? People have motivations and reasons for taking action (or for sitting it out), but causes go beyond these. For example, the Vancouver anti-Chinese riot of 1887 certainly involved the racial attitudes and motivations of the white workers who rampaged. Did the workers cause the riot? In some sense they did. But the causes must be set in the larger context of employers paying Chinese workers a fraction of the regular wage rate and the desperate situation of Chinese Canadian workers after the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railroad.
                  1. ethical judgement


                    • Poverty in the classroom, keep expectations high for them. Careful of what projects to assign because of limited resources. Have various different resources available in the school for students to use.
                  2. Annotations:

                    • There is a great connection between special education and social studies. Social studies is the study of people and politics, often when learning about social studies you are also learning about how to make ethical decisions. It is important to develop ethical jugdement skills and know approparite ways to work with others especially in education. 
                  3. Special education
                    1. Categorical approach: logical and systematized way of identifying, defining, classified and categorized. Student support team. Assessments (look for reliability & validity.
                      1. Non categorical Approach: Looks at student performance relative to expectations, identifiying instructional needs, monitoring , evaluates progress.
                        1. Annotations:

                          • The connection between governance and special education- the government determines the funding towards special education and the laws and forms that need to be filled out in order to get the funding. 
                          1. Annotations:

                            • Governance is linked to social studies because learning about the history of people involves learning about the governance that worked? didn't work? and how we can learn from it?
                          2. Advantages, disadvantages to being labeling, steps to being designated special needs in BC


                            •     Something that surprised me while doing this research was how many disadvantages there really are associated with being labeled/ designated with special needs.  Some of the reasons I found while researching include: students feel different from other students, teachers having pre-conceived ideas, guilt for both the parents and the student and sometimes designations can shape and lower teachers’ expectations. As future teachers, I think that it is very important to remember that every student is different, unique and has his or her own story. Even if you have two students in your class with autism, it is important to remember that the student is more than just their label, they are an individual who can learn and be successful in what your teaching them and they should not be limited by their designation. It is the teacher’s job to get to know the individual student, to understand their strengths and stretches and adjust their teaching styles and strategies to fit the needs of all of their students.     
                            1. Correlation between poverty and special needs


                              •     During this presentation I was reminded just how much poverty can affect a student’s life. If a student’s parents are working all day, and all night just to put food on the table and to buy clothing for their children, this can have a really negative impact on the child’s development. If the child is having no time with adults/parents when they are home, no one to read to them or help them with homework, then I believe that this could definitely contribute to students being designated as special needs or developing development delays. Children need social time with their parents to interact, problem solve and develop new skills.     
                              1. Special needs in Private schools


                                •     Something that really surprised me during this presentation is that private schools can choose who they let attend their schools. For instance if they had someone come to their school with multiple disabilities that they didn’t want, they could just tell them that they can’t attend. They have autonomy to choose who and who doesn’t go to their school. I personally don’t agree with this, I don’t think a school, even if its private, should be able to discriminate against any student. Many students with special needs who don’t get enough support through the public education system would likely turn to private schools if they could afford it. I don’t think it is justified to be able to refuse any student for any reason.     
                                1. Real life skills in special education


                                  •     During this presentation we watched a video called “This Special Ed Teacher's Real-World Lessons will Inspire You “ something I really liked about this video is just how dedicated the special education teacher was, she was not only trying to cover curricular concepts, she was also looking into later life and trying to give her students skills they will need for their later life outside of the classroom.  She brought something to her school called “coffee cart” she wanted her students to have a chance to be part of the school community.  Through this experience the students learned life skills such as: how to count money, give change, talk to strangers, interact with people, take orders, distribute food.  The students clearly enjoyed this experience and felt empowered and useful which I think is really important.     
                                  1. Funding for Aboriginal students with special needs


                                    •     Something interesting that I learned from this inquiry presentation is that Aboriginal students with special needs can receive funding from both Special Education and Aboriginal funding.  To receive Aboriginal funding the student must self-identify as being Aboriginal and their status must be proved to individual bands, they also must fill out form 1701. To receive funding through Special Education services the student must be assessed by qualified professionals, this must be documented and again, form 1701 must be filled out.      
                                    1. Autism spectrum disorder in the primary classroom


                                      •     Something I learned from this power point presentation is that Autism is often accompanied by other medical problems.  Also it is very important to start interventions as soon as possible after being diagnosed. There is no specific medical test for Autism, therefore, diagnoses has to come straight from observations. Some common social challenges include: having a hard time reading social situations and social cues, some people also have difficulty regulating emotions, communicating and may have difficulties seeing things from other peoples perspective. Sometimes people with Autism will also develop repetitive behaviors.   Autism is becoming more and more common and often is reported much more commonly with males.     
                                    2. Governance
                                      1. POVERTY


                                        • So many different ways to access funding, so many different ways of building a school
                                        • so many different ways to access funding, so many different ways of building a school.
                                        1. INDEPENDENT/ PRIVATE/PUBLIC


                                          • Difference between private and independent school, Private school also get funding by public tax dollars.
                                          1. EARLY PRIMARY EDUCATION


                                            • See specific data from each neighbourhood, each kindergarten teacher completes same test. Test results are transparent and available to both parents and teacher.
                                            1. SPECIAL EDUCATION FUNDING


                                              • Assessment is taking far to long in BC which means students are not receiving the funding they need,The first 6 months of getting diagnosed is often the most crucial time to start intervention, funding and assessment not using done in this time period. Only 3 different level for funding, students must fit into these little boxed categories, So many different forms to fill out before you can even be considered for funding, FORM 1701.
                                              1. REAL LIFE EDUCATION


                                                • Life skills are getting more embedded in new curriculum, more freedom/autonomy for teachers
                                                1. ABORIGINAL FUNDING


                                                  • By September students must be registered as Aboriginal and self identify this way, $1195 per Aboriginal headcount student, funding goes to school not student.
                                              2. POTL
                                                1. blanket exercise


                                                  • Ways to visually show students the history of Aboriginal people, involves movement, inclusive to all learning type. Audience participation, through scroll reading blanket folding, handing out of disease cards.
                                                  1. Schooling the World


                                                    • It  examines the hidden assumption of cultural superiority behind education aid projects, which overtly aim to help children “escape” to a “better life.
                                                    1. The 7 principles of learning
                                                      1. Learners are at the centre of all learning, not teaching a subject, teaching a person.
                                                      2. Assessment


                                                        • Inquiry based, formative, summative, differentiated learning, UDL, Backwards planning, diagnostic assessment- KWL 
                                                        1. UDL -Universal design for learning
                                                          1. Beginning, developing, applying, extending
                                                            1. Moving away from grades for K-5
                                                              1. Assessment with the Competences- No grades or percentatges..fomrative only, the profiles are the assessment...use that language, do not use the numbers, just see them as descriptors along a continum, post the learner descriptions (not the number!) practice using them, use them to describe book characters for examples
                                                                1. Learning is a continum
                                                                  1. Summative assessment
                                                                  2. Collaboration
                                                                    1. Start competencies in the classroom: Notice, Name and Nurture
                                                                      1. Successful learners posters and BC Education Competences
                                                                        1. Pictures all the time, teacher prints out pictures once a week, displays on ground, asks students to pick their favourite learning picture and talk about it,
                                                                          1. guding parameters * competencies * Core Learning * Authentic Evidence * Desciptive Feedback * Student Voice * Next Steps
                                                                          2. PLC
                                                                            1. carole fullerton
                                                                              1. Successive subtractive method of division
                                                                                1. Multiplication get you to your whole, division starts with whole and you break that down. Division as sharing and grouping are very different things.13 is not a multiple of 3 because when we skip count by 3 we will never get to 13.
                                                                              2. self-regulation
                                                                                1. 9-5-2-1-0


                                                                                  • 9 hour sleep, 5 vegetable/fruit, 2 hours screen time, 1 hour exercise, 1 sugary drinks
                                                                                  1. box breathing, bubbles, exercise, distraction, quiet tent, eat.
                                                                                2. First week of school
                                                                                  1. 1 of 1 Daily activities of how to set up your first week of class
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